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Hide your old pills in poop, government says

Got some leftover drugs -- the kind that someone else might want to use, such as painkillers or stimulants? Wrap them up in used kitty litter or other pet droppings, the government advises.



Safety agency issues new batch of toy recalls

More recalls of lead-tainted toys made in China were announced on Wednesday by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, including 380,000 toy cars sold at Dollar General stores.

Other warnings included smaller recalls of Dizzy Ducks music boxes, Winnie-the-Pooh spinning tops, "Big Red" wagons, Dragster and Funny Car toys, and Duck Family collectible wind-up toys, all because of paint with unsafe levels of lead.


Sunbathing 'slows ageing process'

Sunbathing can slow the ageing process by up to five years, according to new research.

Scientists have found that people who avoid the sun, or have inadequate vitamin D in their diet, are subject to genetic damage associated with ageing and age-related illnesses.

Red Flag

Study Connects Pill to Artery Buildups

ORLANDO, Fla. - A troubling study from Belgium hints that long-term use of oral contraceptives _ at least the high-estrogen ones sold decades ago _ might increase the chances of having artery buildups that can raise the risk of heart disease.


Hallucinogenic drug found in Christmas toy

Bindeez had been tipped as one of the must-have toys this Christmas

A popular toy has been withdrawn from shops because of fears it may contain a potentially lethal hallucinogenic drug.

Bindeez, which allows young children to make animals and other shapes from beads, were predicted to be a popular present this Christmas.

Retailers, including Woolworths and Argos, withdrew the sets after Moose Entertainment, an Australian company that designed the product, admitted that a "small number" of children in Australia needed treatment after swallowing the beads.


Flashback Anti-smoking agenda 'caused air pollution problem to be obscured'

Governments concealed the huge threat to public health caused by air pollution in the wake of the great London smog 50 years ago, and attempted to shift all the blame on to cigarette smoking, a medical historian will allege today.


Overweight people have lower death rate

About two years ago, a group of federal researchers reported that overweight people have a lower death rate than people who are normal weight, underweight or obese. Now, investigating further, they found out which diseases are more likely to lead to death in each weight group.


Beautiful Outside, Rotten Inside: Israeli Youth Addicted to Dieting

The percentage of Israeli girls who are on a diet is one of the highest in the West but not because they are overweight, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Sunday, quoting a new study.

The study, conducted by Dr. Yossi Harel of the Sociology and Anthropology Department at Bar-Ilan University, included 106,119 14-year olds from 33 countries, of which 1,500 Israeli boys and 2,000 girls.


Do Energy Drinks Jolt The Heart?

Energy drinks may boost your blood pressure and heart rate, as well as your vitality, researchers say.

In a small study, they found that drinking just two cans of a popular drink increased blood pressure and heart rate within four hours.


Protestors Voice Anger Over NYC Mold, Rodents

Apartment Conditions Trigger Childrens' Asthma

In New York City, there are more than 300,000 reported asthmatic children, and there are certain everyday factors that are triggering flare-ups. Protestors hit the streets Tuesday, demanding the city help families rid their apartments of these triggers.

"This is actually where I sleep, but I have to stop sleeping here, because every time I go to sleep, I feel like I'm suffocating and I just can't breathe," Adriana Espinal told CBS 2.

Comment: Once again we are shown just what kinds of people are in top positions in the U.S.....those without a conscience.

To say that there is not enough scientific consensus is just a stall tactic. When you have people's health and lives on the line, you don't put forth such a ridiculous excuse as have these people.

To learn more about what is happening to the whole U.S. society, go here.