© CLIFF MCBRIDE/STAFF Patrons come out of the theater after the shooting
A man is dead and a woman is hospitalized after they were shot Monday afternoon over the use of a cell phone during movie previews at the Grove 16 theater, the Pasco County Sheriff's Office reported.
A retired captain with the Tampa Police Department was charged in the shooting, the sheriff's office reported.
The husband and wife, Chad and Nicole Oulson, were taken by ambulance to a Tampa area hospital, the sheriff's office reported. Chad Oulson, 43, died, and Nicole Oulson, 33, was treated for a gunshot wound to the hand, the sheriff's office said.
The retired police captain, Curtis Reeves Jr., 71, was charged with second-degree homicide.
The Oulsons were sitting in front of Reeves and his wife, and Chad Oulson was texting on the phone as they awaited a showing of "Lone Survivor," the sheriff's office reported. Detectives said Reeves asked him to stop several times. At one point, Reeves left the theater and returned and Oulson asked him if he had reported him to management, the sheriff's office reported.
Then an argument began and Reeves pulled out a gun and shot Oulson in the chest, the sheriff's office reported. Nicole Oulson put her hand in front of her husband as the shot was fired and one bullet struck both of them, the sheriff's office reported.