Politically motivated hacking crew TeaMp0isoN has teamed up with Anonymous in an attempt to storm the music charts.
The hacktivists fancy themselves as music moguls with plans to release a song by an unspecified artist that they are nonetheless convinced is bound to storm the charts. Proceeds of the unknown song - due to released via iTunes and YouTube - will go to charity.
Only the music industry can thwart this digital activism, the groups suggest, adding that if the entertainment industry gets in the way the the hackers will return to more traditional hacking tactics, according to a manifesto for the project.
Long have activists and revolutionaries turned to a song to get their message out. Anonymous and TeaMp0isoN have collaborated together to continue this tradition. We are going to take youtube and iTunes by storm and flood the song into the world around us, with proceeds going to charities that are actively striving to change it. Once this hits the charts, radio stations will by law, have to play it. Will they thwart the law to continue making sheep out of the people?
If they censor the song we will attack the music industry and censor them instead.