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Where Did The Towers Go? A Presentation by Dr. Judy Wood


Syrian rebels obtain U.S.-made missiles

© UnknownRussian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moscow has accurate information that the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) has more than 50 Stinger missiles.

"There is confirmed information that the Syrian rebels have obtained more than 50 Stinger missiles," he said at a press conference in Jordanian capital, Amman, on Tuesday.

The Russian foreign minister reiterated that the FSA elements have repeatedly said that they would target civilian planes as legitimate targets.

"You know perfectly well what Stingers are intended for, all the more so that the leaders of the (rebel) Free Syrian Army have repeatedly said that civilian planes will be a legitimate target," Lavrov told reporters after his meeting with the Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh.


Evidence of electronic vote fraud pours in from both liberal and conservative sources

election fraud cartoon
Rampant Evidence of Electronic Vote Tampering

Ron Paul supporters, progressives and the mainstream media have all discussed the potential for vote fraud.

A global internet voting company headquartered in Spain recently purchased America's dominant election results reporting company.

The Wall Street Journal wrote in a 2008 article entitled "Will This Election Be Stolen?":
And then there are the e-voting machines. Since early voting started recently, worried voters have reported seeing their votes flipped from Barack Obama to Mr. McCain in West Virginia and Texas.
We reported in 2006:

The non-partisan and highly-respected government agency, the Government Accountability Office, verified that the electronic voting machines used in 2004 were wide open to fraud, and that fraud likely occured in Ohio, Iowa, Nevada, New Mexico, and other states.

The security flaws in electronic voting machines are so complete that anyone can instantaneously install software which will change the vote counts. See this New York Times' Magazine analysis, and also E-Voting Machine an Easy Hack from Wired Magazine.

Exit polling data shows that there was vote fraud.

Magic Hat

Not that it makes any difference, but US electronic voting machine selects Romney even when choosing Obama

Footage has emerged of an electronic voting machine somewhere in the US that appears to force the voter to select Mitt Romney as their chosen presidential candidate despite clicking Barack Obama's name.

The clip, posted to YouTube by the user centralpavote - suggesting the voter is in Pennsylvania - shows the voter selecting Obama's name on the machine's touchscreen, only for Romney's name to be highlighted.


Video: Romney (in '07) on how the second coming will save the Jews

I don't think we're going to have Mitt Romney to kick around for very much longer, so here's a last shot: a weirdly defensive rant from 2007, by Mitt Romney about Mormonism. He's asked at :44 or so about the second coming of Christ. Is it in Jerusalem or Missouri? Romney:
"The second coming, the arrival of Jesus Christ, our church says is in Jerusalem... That's the church doctrine... Christ appears in Jerusalem, splits the Mount of Olives, to stop the war that's coming in to kill all the Jews. Our church believes that, that's where the coming and glory of Christ occurs."

After that Christ will reign from two places, Jerusalem and Missouri for 1000 years. Writes a friend: "It helped offer a certain clarity on the whole Christian Zionism thing and made me even more frightened about the possibility that this guy could win."

Bad Guys

When will the killing war in Iran begin? It already has

"Economic sanctions are, at their core, a war against public health." - The New England Journal of Medicine [1]
Netanyahu bomb

While campaigns are organized to deter the United States and Israel from acting on threats to launch an air war against Iran, both countries, in league with the European Union (winner of this year's Nobel Peace Prize) carry on a low-intensity war against Iran that is likely to be causing more human suffering and death than strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities would. This is a war against public health, aimed at the most vulnerable: cancer patients, hemophiliacs, kidney dialysis patients, and those awaiting transplants. Its victims are unseen, dying anonymously in hospitals, not incinerated in spectacular explosions touched off by cruise missiles and bunker buster bombs. But ordinary Iranians who can't get needed medications are every bit as much victims of war as those blown apart by bombs. And yet, we think, that as long as the bombs don't rain down, that peace has been preserved. Perhaps it has, in formal terms, but bleeding to death in the crater of a bomb, or bleeding to death because you can't get hemophilia drugs, is, in either case, death.


US Muslim placed on no-fly list is unable to see his ailing mother

Saddiq Long
© Saddiq LongSaddiq Long, a 10-year US Air Force veteran, barred from flying into the US.
Despite never having been charged with any crime, an Air Force veteran is effectively exiled from his own country

In April of this year, Saadiq Long, a 43-year-old African-American Muslim who now lives in Qatar, purchased a ticket on KLM Airlines to travel to Oklahoma, the state where he grew up. Long, a 10-year veteran of the US Air Force, had learned that the congestive heart failure from which his mother suffers had worsened, and she was eager to see her son. He had last seen his mother and siblings more than a decade ago, when he returned to the US in 2001, and spent months saving the money to purchase the ticket and arranging to be away from work.

The day before he was to travel, a KLM representative called Long and informed him that the airlines could not allow him to board the flight. That, she explained, was because the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had placed Long on its "no-fly list", which bars him from flying into his own country.


Best of the Web: Bush 3 vs Bush 4

© Azizonomics

The point of my writing has never been to tell others how to vote, especially not in elections in countries like the USA where I cannot myself vote.

But even if I was a voter in this election, there is no candidate with a chance in hell of winning who I could support. Obama and Romney are standing on the shoulders of George W. Bush.

Obama renewed Bush's PATRIOT Act, which gutted the Fourth Amendment, Obama signed into place (and went to court to defend) the NDAA Act that creates a legal framework for the indefinite detention of American citizens, Obama has engaged in six middle eastern wars (two more than Bush), and Obama maintains a kill-list of suspected terrorists including American citizens who - without trial, and alongside their families - are targeted for assassination by drone strike.

Romney signs on to all of those initiatives, and boasts the endorsements of both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Both candidates promise to strike first against Iran. Neither candidate talks of downsizing the American Empire, that - at huge cost to the taxpayer - maintains bases in over 150 countries, creates huge blowback, and leaves the American military thinly stretched. And this misallocation of capital means that in areas where central government plays a useful role - infrastructure, space exploration, disaster relief and scientific research - too little is left to invest.


Ex-Mossad chief Meir Dagan silenced by cancer

© CBS NewsEven though most Iranian nuclear facilities are heavily fortified, ex-Mossad chief Meir Dagan says there are ways Israel could target and damage them.
This article, written by Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman, was originally published on IsraelSpy.com.

One of the most important debates on the world scene has gone silent. For more than a year, commentators and politicians worldwide had been discussing: How can Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program be stopped, and should Israel be stopped from bombing Iran?

With Americans voting November 6, and Israelis having their national election on January 22, the debate is mute.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who in recent years has been an enthusiastic saber-rattler, does not see any advantage in thundering about Iran's nuclear program right now. His most recent big statement came at the United Nations in New York in late September, when he held a cartoonish diagram of Iran's bomb-making progress, but truly illustrated a timeline that seems to delay any military action until mid-2013.

The defense minister in his lame duck cabinet, Ehud Barak, is leading his own small political party and has changed his tone on Iran. Barak is more obvious now in his reluctance to see Israeli warplanes and missiles strike Iran, but Barak has a reputation for saying almost anything for political advantage - so one does not know what he would do, in the remotely possible scenario that he might return to the post of defense minister.

Eye 1

'Dark' motive: FBI seeks signs of carrier roadblocks to surveillance and Comcast, Cricket, and T-Mobile are standing in the way

The FBI has tried to bolster its case for expanded Internet surveillance powers by gathering finger-pointing examples of how communications companies have stymied government agencies, CNET has learned. An internal Homeland Security report shows that a working group convened by an FBI office in Chantilly, Va. requested details about "investigations have been negatively impacted" by companies' delays, partial compliance, or inability to comply with police surveillance requests.

One of the claims in that report: A police arm of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which conducts investigations into immigration, drug, computer, and copyright crimes, reported that no-contract wireless provider Cricket Communications had "hindered" an investigation because "system technical issues" interfered with a wiretap and location tracking. Cricket, a subsidiary of Leap Wireless, has approximately 6 million subscribers.