Best of the Web:


Best of the Web: Absence of Evidence: The Progressive Policy of Imperial Murder

drone strike
© UnknownAftermath of unmanned US drone strike in Pakistan
The president of the United States murdered two American citizens this morning. He had some nameless functionary -- who was sitting comfortably and safely at a computer console somewhere on a well-guarded, probably secret military base -- push a button. A missile was then fired from a robot drone buzzing maleovently in the sky over Yemen. The missile then murdered two American citizens who -- let it be carefully noted -- had not even been charged with a crime, much less tried and convicted in a court of law of any offense.

The New York Times story on the murders relates a number of accusations against the chief target of the attack, Anwar al-Awlaki. Assertions are made, mostly by anonymous officials, that al-Awlaki was "operationally" involved in terrorist plots, although not a shred of evidence for this "operational" involvement has been offered. (Another American, Samir Khan, was also reported to have been killed in the drone hit. It goes without saying that Khan had also not been charged with any crime nor was there any evidence that he ever took part in a terrorist operation.)

It is true that the two American citizens murdered by the president did engage in a great deal of fiery rhetoric urging violent uprising against the American state. This might not be very nice -- but it does happen to be protected speech under the Constitution of the United States. Of course, that quaint document from the horse-and-buggy era has long since ceased to apply, even fitfully and imperfectly, to the operations of the United States government.


Best of the Web: COINTELPRO: Pied piper Charlie Veitch pulls a 9/11 U-turn, says people who disbelieve official story are part of 'paranoid cult'

© Sovereign IndependentAnother pied piper with a bullhorn reveals its true colours...
Back in 2008, while at Harvard Law School, Cass Sunstein co-wrote a paper titled "Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures" proposing that the U.S. Government employ teams of covert agents and "independent" advocates to "cognitively infiltrate" online groups and websites, as well as other activist groups that have "anti-government conspiracy theories" and his primary target is the 9/11 Truth Movement. Cass Sunstein now works for the Obama Administration. This brings us back to today. The founder of the Love Police Charlie Veitch has released a new video where he says he no longer believes 9/11 was an inside job.

In this new video, made just 11 days after Charlie attended an event his girlfriend helped organize, that brought Richard Gage from AE911Truth to Cambridge University, we see and hear Charlie say after 5 years he has changed his mind and he doesn't think 9/11 was an inside job. He thinks the Government was caught with "their pants around their ankles" just like the official conspiracy theory. Along with the video Charlie included a brief description:
My anarchism and libertarian mindset has strengthened.

So I've spent 5 years listening to the conspiratorial view - then I got the opportunity to grill the historical/accidental view of 9/11 proponents.

Where I stand now is that America's defenses got caught with their pants around their ankles. I do not think there was high level evil complicity in the events of that day. Yes, I have changed my mind.

To change one's mind when presented with evidence that contradicts one's mind, is to be scientific, logical and rational. The CIA fucked up. No-one got fired. Condi Rice lied to the commission. Bush and Cheney would not testify under oath. No-one wants to take the blame for the incompetence that killed over 3,000 people.
So to be clear Charlie is filming his own TV show and he suddenly decides after 5 years that 9/11 was just as the government said it was all along. Does anyone else smell bullshit?! Another truth seeker and radio host MistrBrit has confirmed by calling Charlie directly, that this is not a joke or a test of some sort.

Comment: Perhaps we should not be so disappointed by this truthseeker's™ auto-suspension of his critical faculties and apparent conversion experience. Charlie Veitch's ardent beliefs in anarchism and his involvement with inciting protests in the UK and elsewhere (along with his home movie escapades where he has others film him goading police and other right-wing authoritarians into arresting him) meant that he would always wind up supporting the global Zionist agenda for World Revolution and totalitarian control by, for and of psychopaths.


Best of the Web: 9/11 - Occult Trauma-Based Mind Control

© Matthew ScotlandNote clever embedded SS on top tower and Mason symbol, 33 and Anubis shadowed on right building
The spiritual supporting pillars of the world's societal structure were essentially demolished on 9/11...symbolically, allegorically, ritualistically and literally.

Imploded and destroyed. The rest followed.

It was quite a sinister "stroke of genius" and so exemplifies how these dark controllers operate. This is why the wake up to 9/11 Truth is so shocking to people's systems and they just can't handle it. It's overwhelming, which it was designed to be. And so the vast populace rolls over and buries its head back in the sand.

Nicely done, except....

Tell A Big Enough Lie

...and you'll eventually get exposed. So full of lies are these controllers it's beyond the grasp of normal sentient beings. And they revel in the power of that. It's amazing they can be so brash yet hidden in plain sight.

And these entities apparently rarely even know each other or their own ilk's identities. It's a hidden, and not so hidden, cult of non-feeling self-appointed elitist power mad psychopaths out to subdue humanity like it's some kind of a game.


Best of the Web: MIVILUDicrous! Mass suicide fears as French cult predicts end of world in Dec 2012

The French Government has alerted the country to the risk of mass suicides by people who believe that the world would end by December 21, 2012.

A government watchdog, which monitors cults and suspicious spiritual activities, is keeping an eye on the hamlet of Bugarach in the south of France, which is said to be the only place in the world that will survive an Apocalypse next year.

The remote hilltop villages have had an influx of New Age visitors in recent months.

Comment: We, here at SOTT, do not think that the "End of the World" is coming - and certainly not in 2012 (remember all the hoopla about the year 2000?), though we do regularly assess the scientific evidence that the Earth is in for a rough ride for a few years. We further do not assess the signs as indicating any special dispensation falling on Bugarach - or anywhere, for that matter. What is coming is global climate change for sure, and possibly localized cometary bombardment. No one is going to escape the former and the latter is a crapshoot - a matter of luck.

We naturally abhor the frenzied speculations based mostly on ignorance and pathology that have taken the field in such venues as "Project Camelot" and elsewhere, including ridiculous ideas such as Richard Hoaxland's about Comet Elenin. It is just that sort of wild rumor-mongering and craziness that led to the deaths of many gullible people belonging to the Heaven's Gate group back during the Hale-Bopp fiasco. So, certainly, there is some concern about this sort of thing, and rightly so.

However, for a government to step in as the French government has, and to authorize a group of people belonging to a real cult, (Miviludes) to decide who is or is not a cult, is taking the thing a bit too far. It amounts to establishing a Theocracy where one religion has the right to declare all other beliefs heretical. More than that, it is a government that has abdicated its responsibility in terms of making the facts - the Scientific Truths - available.

That is the gap that we, here at SOTT.NET, try to fill.


Best of the Web: The Evils of Religion

"This cult has to be the most evil organisation I've ever encountered - children are exposed to graphic images of a near-naked man being tortured, and told that eating his flesh and drinking his blood are some kind of passport to paradise," says a shocked Chris Rooty, an undercover reporter who spent six months infiltrating a sinister religious movement which has been insinuating itself into every aspect of British life, including schools, social clubs and even the armed forces, in its relentless quest for converts. "Worse still, they encourage these same children to confess their 'sins' - which can include anything from supposedly impure thoughts to sexual experimentation - to the cult's priests, invariably older men, for their vicarious pleasure!" Indeed, Rooty strongly suspects that the priests derive some form of perverted sexual gratification from these confessions, fuelling their own warped fantasies of underage sex. "I have no doubt that they sit in those confessionals whacking off to those kids giving up their secrets," he says, although he admits that doesn't have any actual proof that this has ever occurred.

"Certainly, they seem to have an unhealthy fixation with children, particularly pre-pubescent boys, the prettiest of whom they get to dress in frilly, effeminate robes and sing devotional songs whilst the priests look on in ecstasy! These boys are also often required to stay behind after services and 'help' the priests." The cult justifies its child fixation through the words of its prophet who, they claim, ordered 'suffer the little children unto me'. "This cult - the Church of Christ, or whatever it is they call themselves - is clearly simply a cover for systematic child abuse, " opines Rooty. "For goodness sake, they even admit that their chief prophet used to send his band of all male disciples out to procure children for him! When he wasn't doing that he was apparently indulging in some form of masochistic autoerotic practices which eventually went too far and resulted in his death!" Despite the cult's unsavoury practices, and the fact that its most senior priest is a former member of the Hitler Youth, it enjoys the support and patronage of many of Britain's rich and famous, including royalty. "I was shocked to find that the Queen herself is the honourary head of one of its major sects - the so-called Church of England," says Rooty. "It is thanks to support of her and other establishment figures like Tony Blair, not to mention influential celebrities of the calibre of Cliff Richard - that it has evaded proper scrutiny for so many years."


Best of the Web: Georges Fenech of MIVILUDES, Nemesis of the Scientific Method

Lack of scientific rigor at MIVILUDES exposed by sociologist Olivier Bobinneau, former scientific expert on MIVILUDES

Comment: The following video is excerpted from a debate on French TV where Olivier Bobinneau, a sociologist, takes apart the arguments of George Fénech, President of MIVILUDES, and the unscientific approach of his organisation in its absurdly broad legal mendate to persecute "cultic abuses".

Comment: Indeed, the paranoid premises on which this whole 'anti-secte' policy has subsumed the French state are designed on the one hand to suppress the growth of independent healthy thinker and on the other to camouflage the real conspiracy, one based on objective science and observable through the scientific method, of pathological deviants like Fénech instituting a fascist takeover of once-free France.

Political Ponerology: The Scientific Study of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes


Flashback Best of the Web: Fascist Inquisition: France Approved Anti-Cult Law on May 30, 2001 - Seven Things You Can Do Immediately About the French Law: A Manifesto

A shadow has fallen over France, whose persecution of free thinkers in the form of 'anti-cult laws' are being pushed all across Europe and beyond
They did it. Despite domestic and international protest (including by both the Roman Catholic and Protestant highest authorities in France) the French House passed on May 30 the Anti-Cult Law in the text already approved by the Senate. The final text was voted on June 12, 2001 as Law 2001-504.

A surprisingly quick discussion (in a day with a full agenda, including a debate on the new abortion law) led the French MPs to severely curtail the religious liberty of several thousand French citizens.

The anti-cult professionals among the MPs performed their usual show, MP Brard attacking in particular the official Catholic and Protestant criticism of the law as "breaching the principle of separation of Church and State" and blaming French Catholic officers inter alia for their "relations with Mr Introvigne, a very active apologist of laissez faire for the cults".

Anti-American attacks were less subtle than usual, and the U.S. administration was accused of having been infiltrated by both Scientology and "Moon". A naïve MP even suggested that, had this law existed, the suicides and homicides of the Solar Temple would have surely been prevented (see preliminary transcript of the House discussion here). We have examined the law (which still includes anti-brainwashing provisions, cosmetically disguised under another name and introduced by way of amendment of an already existing section) repeatedly. The question of the day is what can be done by international scholars of religious movements and religious liberty activists.


Best of the Web: MIVILUDES: Some Truth and Lies in France's witch-hunt against 'subversives'

MIVILUDES (Mission Interministérielle de VIgilance et de LUtte contre les DÉrives) is an agency of the French government tasked with seeking and harassing, and ultimately prosecuting, any group it deems to be 'fond of ideas not commonly shared by society'. And who decides which ideas are and are not 'commonly shared by society'? The MIVILUDES, of course...


Best of the Web: Background to the Witch Hunt against SOTT: French-led FECRIS, key player behind increasing intolerance in Europe

'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live'
  1. Rising religious discrimination in Europe
  2. Definition of religious discrimination and the subcategory "sectophobia"
  3. Documentation of governmental reports on sects
  4. Documentation of French anti-sect law
  5. The European network of anti-religious groups and their role in the French anti-religious law going European
  6. FECRIS view upon religious freedom and the risk for a Europe of "thought-police" with FECRIS-groups as the masters
  7. Documentation of the role of European anti-religious groups in creation of discrimination, restriction of liberty and violence from anti-religious groups
  8. Objective sources of information and dialog
  9. The need for investigation of religious discrimination in Europe
1. A rising religious discrimination in Europe

Several human rights bodies have reported a rise in religious intolerance in Europe the last ten years. Europe is very sensitive towards religious discrimination, due to the history of this continent and due to the fact that Europe is by many considered an opinion leader in the field of human rights in the world. Legislation and government actions towards religious minorities in Europe, therefore causes repercussions all over the world. On the other hand there is also a rising awareness and protest about the discrimination against minority groups that is arising. Here is an excerpt from a hearing in CSCE (Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe), from 5 years ago.

Comment: A hard lesson that Europe seems destined to repeat. Since the above report was published, FECRIS have gone on to firmly embed themselves within the highest policy-making bodies in Europe and beyond.

Their Wikipedia page says:
As of 2003 the government of France provided funding to the organization.[8] In March 2005, the Council of Europe's Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly granted FECRIS advisory status.[5] In 2009, FECRIS was granted "ECOSOC Special Consultative Status" by the United Nations.[9]
In typically psychopathic fashion this organisation has insinuated itself into the EU and UN legislative structure with hysterical McCarthyite claims of 'cultists' infiltrating every organ of state in order to do precisely the very thing they accuse others of - manipulating legislation that was originally intended to protect people's human rights, in particular preventing the rights of people to freedom of thought, conscience and religious association - all done on behalf of their backers in mainstream churches who feel that the new 'cults' are encroaching on their turf!

The current president of FECRIS, incidentally, is Tom Sackville, an Eton and Oxford-educated aristocrat and former Tory Home Office Minister of John Major's conservative government in the 1990s.


Best of the Web: Science is conclusive: Tobacco increases work capacity

© Graham Jeffery/
  • Nicotine improves human brain performance
  • Is the bad reputation of smoking undeserved?
  • Professor: About time the positive side of tobacco is emphasised
By Niels Ipsen, environmental biologist, and Klaus Kjellerup, researcher.

New Analysis Summary: Update Of 40 Years Of Nicotine Research

According to public health officials, tobacco has no benefits at all: "A harmful and unnecessary product," says the WHO (World Health Organization), which has lobbied national governments to combat tobacco use since 19751.

The Danish anti-smoking lobby wants a total ban on tobacco: "We can not see what tobacco contributes," said the Cancer Society. "A smoke-free society should not be an unreasonable policy objective," they say in the Danish health directorate2.

Since the 1960's authorities worldwide have focused exclusively on the health hazards of tobacco, and thus given it a very negative image. Their many anti-smoking campaigns may have made the world forget that tobacco use also has positive aspects. But as we know, any issue always has at least two sides, and now the positive effects of tobacco have resurfaced in the scientific literature.

After 40 years of scientific research on the effects of nicotine, researchers now say that they have sound scientific proof that smoking and nicotine have a significant positive effect on human brain performance.

The brain works better when it gets nicotine - almost like an optimized computer. Nicotine is a "work-drug" that enables its consumers to focus better and think faster. The brain also becomes more enduring, especially in smokers: Nicotine experiments show that smokers in prolonged working situations are able to maintain concentration for many hours longer than non-smokers.

Comment: Any questions?