The moral vacuity of the collective West

Gaza Demolished
© News Forensics
A successful politician in a liberal democracy requires certain gifts. A lack of conscience is one, glib deception is another, hypocrisy, still another.

Political policy is for the benefit of the politician who makes it - not for the people who think he represents them. A politician has a constituency of one - himself.

Shark and Remora Fish
© News Forensics
Fortunately for politicians, there are many kindred spirits in the media whose interest is not the truth, but their own advancement. Western politicians and the media have a symbiotic relationship like sharks in the symbiotic the Remora fish that attach themselves to scavenge scraps.

And ordinary people?

They are prey.

Some see the contradictions between what the teachers taught them about the political process in their country in high school - and what it really is. But it is hard for them to stir from their Comfort Zone. And if they really wanted to change things - that would mean a revolution - which would mean their world would get worse before it got better.

Ordinary people just shrug. They do not completely lack conscience as politicians do. But their conscience is atrophied from lack of exercise. They remain within that narrow circle of awareness.

As a result, there are no real democracies in the Collective West. Not one.

This is what is really behind the current decline of the Collective West — a moral blindness which distorts reality — and staggering hypocrisy.

The suspension of UNRWA is genocide

The hypocritical attacks on UNRWA are a good example.

The ICJ ruled that: Israel must take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

UNRWA is the only agency currently capable of providing the "basic services and humanitarian assistance" to Gaza and the Palestinians that they require — immediately. With the suspension of promised aid, however, UNRWA may have to cease operation in Gaza by the end of February.

By the time that other UN agencies finally get involved, much of the population of Gaza will be dead. UNRWA provides a variety of services in cooperation with the local elected government which is of course Hamas. That means schools, medical services, and food aid. So, getting rid of UNRWA means destroying Gazan society and the community and the means by which it survives — the "group conditions of life".

It's genocide within the usual definitions of the term.

Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. These acts fall into five categories:
  1. Killing members of the group
  2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
  3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
  4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
  5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
There are a number of other serious, violent crimes that do not fall under the specific definition of genocide. They include crimes against humanity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and mass killing.

Interfering with UNRWA's efforts is clearly #3.

Ipso facto that makes states suspending agreed-upon aid to UNRWA as guilty of genocide as the Israelis themselves
Defunding UNRWA is another heinous act of genocide.

Jewish Voice for Peace
Let us keep in mind that defunding UNRWA vitiates the legitimacy of the United Nations which will become a pale shadow of the League of Nations.

Accusation in a mirror

Accuse the other of that you are guilty. Joseph Goebbels.

Goebbels must be looking at the Zionists in admiration, happy that he will soon have a lot of company in Hell.

Israel's allegations are just that — allegations — unproven.

Despite that, UNRWA reacted immediately to those accusations, dismissing nine of its local Palestinian employees who may or may not have been also members of Hamas — but were probably as sympathetic as the rest of the Gazan population.

Those nine employees represent 0.0003 % of the agency's total workforce or 0.00075 in Gaza.

Let us also keep in mind that the Israelis now have an established history of making wild claims and accusations later proven to be false — HAMAS's massacres of civilians — actually committed by the IDF — rapes and mutilations that did not occur — baby killings and the like.

Oh, and the "incitement of hatred' in schools - quite unlike the peace and love advocated by Netanyahu — and designed to justify the killing of children.
Despite the unique challenges Israel faces in its war against Hamas, it has implemented more measures to prevent civilian casualties than any other military in history.

According to parasitic media like Newsweek we can discount genocidal bombing the numerous documented war crimes, including execution of civilians, and all sorts of atrocities.

Hypocrisy generates a kind of sick logic.

Israel's imperative is to destroy the Gazan people — the new Amaleks.
There are no innocent people in the Gaza Strip because "everyone has a connection to Hamas.

Avigdor Lieberman, Defense Minister, 2018.
It's not just Newsweek that tries to support the credibility of the incredible — and justify the demolition of UNRWA until "the allegations are clarified" — which will be never.

As I said, the MSM as whole are symbiotes at the maw of the shark — which is the entire Anglosphere and Europe as well. Both the shark and its creatures belong to an ecosystem which deserves to disappear.

As a Canadian, I am ashamed of my country.

Maybe Canada will disappear also. A country that supports the existence of Israel and enables genocide does not deserve to exist itself.

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Personal Note:

Some years ago I began writing about human evolution, after reading Steven Pinker's various books which argue that human beings are like chimpanzees - violent and aggressive and brutish. I wrote two books on the subject, one of which is no longer available and dealt with Pinker's thesis in detail. His books are frankly pseudo-intellectual crap. He's a great writer but a poor researcher an even worse neurobiologist.

At that time Pinker was relying upon a fellow academic and primatologist specializing in chimpanzees named Richard Wrangham.

Wrangham first supported Pinker neo-Hobbesian views then moved to support the theory of self-domestication, which I and others had been working on for some time

He now claims to have invented the notion. He didn't. The idea has been around for a long time and you can find his antecedents in Eric Fromm and Konrad Lorenz, Marshall Sahlins, Franz de Waal and others.

You cannot talk about self-domestication without some understanding of neurobiology and the epigenetics of neoteny — which is biological characteristic of all "self-domesticated" species.

"Neoteny" means extended juvenescence. We remain in some respects children our entire lives. This characteristic is rare and generally accompanied by longevity. Hence the title of my book Ageing Young: You Never Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll. All young animals tend to be curious, playful, and accepting of others regardless of differences. Dogs, cats. horses, bonobos and humans all do this to some extent.

Young chimpanzees develop much faster than human beings and gravitate to the biggest, meanest chimp around; human children develop much more slowly and go for the friendliest unless taught otherwise. That's human nature but nurture matters as much. The civilizations which developed in the Neolithic introduced a level of violence that did not occur previously.

Until then human beings had no concept of war.

The Gazan genocide is a civilizational problem. A perversion of nature.