See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.
I wonder how soon Iran will supply its vacuum bomb missiles to other Muslim states? They don't produce fallout; plus, even Israel cannot possibly...
Revenge is karma, karma is revenge. No one leaves the table without paying their bill or D.Pop Another mindless human. Rampant. Bimbo Found Alive....
When I use the term "Zionist" I know exactly who I mean and it is not a proxy term for "Jews". According to both Wikipedia and my AI advisor...
Never have there been so many empty comments on this site as in these last 2 years. PackYakk. So many have also dropped out from posting...
The zionists are relentless but their agenda is being outed daily !
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Reader Comments
At least the guy didn't say he invented it, pure plagiarism wasn't invented until the Christians burned all those manuscripts and bastardized a few of them... then Einstein perfected it.
How it was.
Therefore, it is not a discovery or thesis.
Pythagoras was an ORDINARY MERCED SOLDIER!!!
He was also a great supporter of Chaldean knowledge. Unlike his colleagues, he did not burn libraries, but collected whatever he could.
It was from there that Pythagoras gained knowledge and passed it on.Although he did not fully understand it himself, you should know that his arguments are often assumptions or distorted.
But he didn't make these distortions on purpose. He just didn't understand it.
It's sad that a bunch of savage people who only know how to kill and rape got into something and simply destroyed it.
This is sad because the same thing is happening today.
You have to choose.
Either you want to be fed up simpletons who will get little out of this world, or you want to understand something.
Everyone makes their own choice... even the editorial staff of this portal by publishing certain articles
...and I will add that this is common knowledge.
If it was Pythagoras who invented geometry, there is no way that buildings such as the pyramids, designed in accordance with the theorems of geometry, existed. The golden ratio, etc.
Wesołych Świąt
Let me explain.
Dependencies in nature have existed for as long as nature has existed.
But we don't talk about it.
We are talking about GEOMETRY... a mathematical way of DESCRIBING THIS REALITY!
And this DESCRIPTION existed long before Pythagoras.
But it didn't come about on its own.
This is the result of observations that resulted in rules such as Solffegio or the Fibonnaci spiral
These are completely abstract concepts.
I don't think we are talking about the same concept of "geometry" - but that is just my opinion.
I got a mean ass NY streak to me you know
I was born in Buffalo - and the game
is later today and I'm still cheering.
Merry Christmas - in English if you don't like it in Polish - I reckon!
I think I have a sense for geometry.
Nothing - not even nothing - is perfect in flux, but I could argue nothing is everything
I'm tired of arguing - '24 is gonna be better - I hope Poland gets better as well - I appreciated the symbolic act courageous.
can we leave it at this?
Wesołych Świąt :-)
Clay? The article shows it being used supposedly long before. Stone? Bark? Cloth?
How dumb can they be?
Snake energy = Python
Meeting place = Agora
Not a single man or woman.
circling the Square is the term.
Orkney Island Megaliths laid out to egg shaped structures, math involved even more advanced than Stonehenge.
Bru na Boine in Meath oldest roofed structure in the world, 3200 bc, 500 years prior to The Pyramids supposedly, Pyramids must be older than officially stated.
And there is so much evidence for ancient maritime civilizations and tech , the Hypoboreans were the legendary civilization in the Northwest, knowledge flowed from Northwest Europe back to the East.
The Irish Myths and family lines/ pedigrees are being proven correct more and more with DNA studies, so much so that British people who despised any Irish connections, now claim to be Britons and maintain they are Celts as well now.
Always remember the Emerald Isle was so highly regarded for its antiquity in ancient times that even the Romans never ventured there at all, the only indigenous land in Europe never invaded or corrupted by Roman society , culture, or tech.
Another fave of mine is the Chacapoyas civilization in Peru.
I think there is an ancient Pict connection, and the Picts never disappeared, they bred with the Irish from Ulster and Orcadians from the Middle East to create the modern Scottish People.
That is some serious stuff to contemplate - I'm pretty damn sure I got some "Picts" in me!
Happy New Year!
दीर्घचतुरस्रस्याक्ष्णया रज्जुः पार्श्वमानी तिर्यग् मानी च यत् पृथग् भूते कुरूतस्तदुभयं करोति ॥
A rope stretched along the length of the diagonal produces an area which the vertical and horizontal sides make together.
Semantics matter.