While "more solar energy" is needed in Massachusetts, deforestation is not the way to go, according to a study from Harvard University.
"Since 2010, over 5,000 acres of natural and working lands have been destroyed for solar development in Massachusetts, resulting in the emission of over half a million metric tons of COโ โ more than the annual emissions of 100,000 passenger cars," Mass Audobon
stated in a summary of its study with Harvard Forest.
Under current siting practices, thousands of acres of forests, farms, and other carbon-rich landscapes are being converted to host large-scale solar," the report stated.
The removal of trees undercuts the state's requirement to reduce emissions by 2050. This is because trees are an effective carbon removal tool. "By 2030, climate-polluting emissions in Massachusetts must be reduced by 50 percent relative to 1990 levels, and by 75 percent by 2040, on the way to net-zero emissions by 2050," the study stated.
"Because it is not feasible to eliminate fossil fuel use across the entire economy by 2050, reaching our net-zero goal will also require removing carbon from the atmosphere, to counteract our remaining [greenhouse gas] emissions," the study stated.
Harvard Forest's research director Jonathan Thompson told The College Fix via email that energy development can protect forests while using solar.
"Massachusetts can meet its goal of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 while simultaneously protecting crucial forests and farmlands," Thompson said on Nov. 1. "We identify enough developed area to site 25GW in ways that are ecologically and economically attractive."
"I think of it as a good news story โ we do not need to choose between forests and solar, we can have both," he told The Fix. "And I think we can meet the Net-Zero goal if we focus simultaneously on developing green energy and protecting forests."
The report included suggestions such as placing solar panels on rooftops, parking lots, and developed land, a politically popular idea.
Over 85 percent of surveyed residents in Massachusetts believe that solar should be built on rooftops, parking lots, landfills, and other developed areas, rather than on cleared forests and on top of productive farmland," the study stated."Prioritizing solar with the lowest impacts to nature" and "investing in approaches that will reduce costs of rooftop and canopy solar projects," were also part of the policy proposals, according to
a summary from
The Harvard Gazette, a publication of the school's media team.
The study also noted that subsidies available to produce solar power from the Inflation Reduction Act, a massive spending bill signed by President Joe Biden in 2022.However, one think tank shared its concerns with The Fix about the reliability and benefits of solar energy and criticized the subsidization of it.
"For decades, solar power has been highly subsidized and its use even mandated in many states, yet none of that can overcome its inherent weaknesses," Paige Lambermont, a research fellow with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, told The Fix via a media statement.
Solar power works when the sun is shining, and then quickly stops producing as soon as the sun goes down. As a result, it is unreliable and only provides electricity on an intermittent basis," she said. "Because of this, it poses issues for grid operators who need to quickly increase the production of other facilities to compensate for the solar facility's sudden drop in production.""
Policymakers should get rid of government meddling, such as the subsidies in [the Inflation Reduction Act]," Lambermont said.
"Reliable power is a policy choice. So is unreliable power."
Reader Comments
Seriously though, when my wife and I went to Tucson last winter we stayed in a campground where we were parked under solar panels. They were very high, yet provided shade and they grew citrus trees under them so we had free oranges. I also saw these panels all over town being used as shade for parking lots. And I am guessing that who ever figured that out didn't go to Harvard.
double duh...
privileged nitwits stating the obvious....
how many students at Harvard does it take to learn the obvious?
infinite apparently...
still - at least they are starting to learn I reckon... or is this the new postmodernist groupthink evolution. ...
Welcome to Harvard - students I have a difficult lesson to teach you if you can expand your mind beyond groupthink - even for solar panel installation it makes no sense to cut down trees let me hand in my resignation if this is outside the accepted narrative of higher institution indoctrination.
Must be all that NIH funding.....
If the student is a pompous a-hole, then I sure hope said student knows how to the way back to civilization after they get released on their own recognizance for being pompous. Who needs harvard a-holes in any group....dimwit nitwits - pampered entitled clueless zombie groupthinkers harmful - same for them skull & bones at yale - yale my ass - what a hapless pathetic group of stupid inbreeding.
Most professors there as well as the admin - they are all more than complicit in dumbing kids down.
I mean the data is in - this kids from the poison ivy leagues are more than clueless - they are worse that that - and if they grow up like thier parents, then I reckon that will be the end...