Las Leñas, Argentina, finds itself grappling with a staggering meteorological surprise today. The initial forecast projected a colossal one meter of snowfall within 24 hours, but the actual accumulation remains uncertain due to the nearly impassable conditions for measurement.

An official report eventually emerged, revealing that the base received a formidable one-meter snow deposit, while the summit was inundated with an astonishing 2.5 meters of snow. However, despite this awe-inspiring snowfall, the eagerly anticipated moment when enthusiasts can hit the slopes remains uncertain.

The reason lies in the sky-high avalanche danger that these extraordinary conditions have generated, underscoring the awe-inspiring power of nature's fury.

Las Leñas is a premier ski resort located in the Argentine Andes, in Mendoza, Argentina. It offers a wide range of terrain suitable for skiers and snowboarders of all levels and is known for its reliable snowfall during the ski season, which typically runs from June to October.

The resort features modern lift systems, various accommodation options, on-site amenities, and a vibrant après-ski scene. However, visitors should be aware of the potential challenges posed by weather conditions and avalanche risks. Accessible by road from Buenos Aires or Mendoza, Las Leñas is renowned for its stunning mountain scenery and is a top destination for winter sports enthusiasts in South America.