Whirlwind in Mazovia in the Garwolin district, July 28, 2023.
Whirlwind in Mazovia in the Garwolin district, July 28, 2023.
In the humid and unstable air, in the presence of a low and frontal zone, favorable conditions for the initiation of scattered storms appeared over Poland. As we predicted, phenomena occurred in many regions.

A number of condensation funnels appeared in the areas of the storm cells, at least one of which was in contact with the ground. In this case we are talking about a whirlwind. A funnel of swirling air appeared in Samorządki in the commune of Górzno in the Garwolin poviat in Mazovia.

The recording shows that the whirlwind descended around 20:00. It shows how a vortex of air picks up some elements from the surface, like sheets of metal. The roof or roofs have probably been damaged or torn off. There are also reports of downed trees and downed power lines. Fire brigades rushed to the spot, which means that the element caused damage.

It is possible that this is not the only tornado recorded in Poland during passing storms, as reports of numerous condensation funnels were coming from many other regions of Mazovia. This is the third tornado that has appeared in our country in recent days. The previous one was recorded in Wierzawice in Podkarpacie and in the area of ​​Kryry in Silesia.

(Translated by Google)