In other words: they got nothing. After years of making kids mask for hours on end in school, and imposing arbitrary but quite obnoxious mandates on airplanes and public transit and clinics, they have no idea whether it did anything, and no plans even to find out whether it did anything. Suddenly all that manic masking enthusiasm has just evaporated.
The response comes several weeks after Anthony Fauci's statement to the New York Times that "at the population level, masks work at the margins, maybe 10 percent." This is itself a baseless claim, but it's another important walk-back of the insane doctrines that medical bureaucrats have been spinning about masks since 2020.
You have to think of propaganda like a big machine. Somebody has to plug it in and it draws a lot of electricity, but with the right inputs it can dazzle a lot of people. The problem is that sooner or later the deception isn't worth anybody's time or energy anymore, and so somebody must also shut it off. It looks like nobody bothered with any kind of messaging exit strategy, and so we've entered a very weird period, wherein the public health leviathan has ceased rehearsing its crazy pandemic myths, leaving the ever-shrinking minority of deranged Covidians to their own devices.
Now and again the fact-checkers still throw them a bone, so there's that.
Reader Comments
"The real winner in the Covid-19 vaccine sweepstakes is the German company BioNTech, not Pfizer...."
What is a walk-back? The narrative is changing to protect the guilty. Gee, we were doing the wrong thing for the right reason, right?