AGW fraud

Record heat has been felt across the the Pacific Northwest this week, which has led the MSM and their placard-brandishing, sandal wearing EOTW groupies to draw the connection to 'global warming' aka 'the climate crisis' aka 'terrifying terra firma broiling'.

However, AccuWeather Meteorologist Joe Lundberg is on the record as saying that AGW isn't to blame here.

Risking a backlash from his bosses, and from those faceless elites on high, Lundberg very reasonably states: "I just think that right now we're seeing a very unusual pattern across most of the northern hemisphere where there's a lot of extremes."

Lunberg sees erratic jet streams as the main culprit here, which, as Electroverse has been saying for years, are weakening due to historically low solar activity โ€” and while Lunberg doesn't touch on solar output, he does reference a "big upper level trough that's in the Aleutians".

Right now, weather patterns across the country are very unusual, explains Lundberg: "Downstream, there's a massive upper level ridge that's in the Northwest, that's why they're seeing the record heat there.

"And then downstream along the eastern seaboard, we're also seeing another upper level ridge.

"But not everyone's getting this heat," adds Lundberg โ€” far from it, "across the deep south, for example, it's actually cooler than average and looks like its gonna stay that way for the foreseeable future."

Latest GFS runs see temperature departures some 16-20C below the seasonal average across vast regions, particularly in New Mexico:

GFS 2m Temp Anomalies (C) for June 30
© tropicaltidbits.comGFS 2m Temp Anomalies (C) for June 30.
This is the 'calamatous earth-baking syndrome' the likes of the WP and BBC keep bleating on about.

There is only-ever one side of the climate story corrupted institutions such as these report on: heat.

Even as I'm writing this, the BBC has released an article entitled: "Canada Weather: Dozens dead as heatwave shatters records"; but when you delve into the story, the excess deaths they speak of were in the elderly and/or those that had underlying health conditions, where "heat is often a contributing factor" โ€” in other words, the BBC has taken it upon themselves to assign the deaths to the heat.

Also according to the BBC's obfuscating claptrap of a story, "climate change is expected to increase the frequency of extreme weather events, such as heatwaves", which is all well and good when it comes to pushing an agenda like CAGW, but as Tony Heller points out on his blog, history and science don't support such a claim.

This week in 1901, New York was shut down as extreme heat brought "death and much suffering":

1901 New York heatwave
And if 'global warming' is such a new and unprecedented phenomenon, then what caused the deadly European heatwave of 1911, which ran 70 days from July to September and killed more than 40,000 people in Paris alone, mostly babies:

1911 Paris heatwave
The deadliest heatwaves in history coincide with Solar Minimums.

This correlation serves as yet another example of how low solar activity-induced meridional jet stream flows can screw with Earth's weather patterns โ€” a setup we're seeing now.

During these times of reduced solar output the jet streams weaken and revert to a wavy flow, and, depending on which side of the jet stream you find yourself on, you'll either experience unusual heat pulled up from the Tropics or anomalous cold dragged down from the Arctic (for more the mechanisms, click the link below).

RECAP: The Changing Jet Stream and Global Cooling

We don't know how good we've currently got it.

Fossil fuel powered air conditioning keeps millions of people alive during heatwaves.

Fossil fuel powered heaters keep millions-more warm during the harsh winter months.

We saw what the failure of the grid meant in Texas in February, when 702 people perished in the record cold:

702 Texans Died in February's Record-Breaking Freeze, far higher than the State's Official Death Toll of 151

The elites want you to feel guilty about surviving the elements, and they are manipulating reality and the data in order to paint your mere existence as being a burden for the planet to bear.

This is an evil ploy, and one that is causing the gullible masses to push the self-destruct button.

Our society is crumbling, but not due to any external climactic force.

People are panicking over a phony crisis, and are tossing the baby out with the bathwater โ€” sure, we need to clean up our act and prevent multinational corporations from dumping plastics and toxic chemicals into the oceans, and from polluting the planet, but fossil fuels aren't a pollutant, they are essential to our survival.

We need fossil fuels, particularly given the climatic reality that is on the horizon...

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we're entering a 'full-blown' Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as "the weakest of the past 200 years", with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can't ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

NASA prediction Solar Cycle 25
sunspot 400 years
Prepare accordingly โ€” learn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.
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