A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.
Why is this still relevant? I was four when JFK was killed and we've witnessed much worse around the world since then. I don't mean to offend...
And if those things don't work for you, the author and his brother (Shapiro Brothers) highly recommend Medically Assisted Dying [Link] Fuk em'.
Oh heck, we've been doing this experiment with shrooms for years!
Another one? Global volcanic and seismic activity appears to be increasing. Must be the same global warming that is causing all the plane crashes....
I don't like the replacements. The Huffington Post? Really? This action feels to me like the Pentagon is legitimizing a more subtle type of...
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Reader Comments
This ongoing aggression and infighting within nations and against other nations, virtually part of our existence these days, along with unspeakable filth everywhere -- how is this all affecting our children and grandchildren??? Especially when a moraless and spiritually bankrupt fear mongering media is at our throats about the silly virus, vaccinations and lockdowns a hundred times a day -- all of this happening while we witness the sweeping destruction wrought by Nature all over the world -- that too --- almost daily! Can't people feel that something is desperately out of sync?
Jeez, should all nations not already have united across the board in support of those facing these terrible onslaughts! -- remember in 2004 after the tsunami hit Phuket and Banda Achi on Boxing Day -- how the whole world rallied in support of this horrendous disaster ...
Must another disaster like that hit us again, before we wake up? Instead of long ago already getting highly organised and standing united -- seems like nothing matters anymore -- as warring and strife ever continues without letup
I disagree, however, with him saying that the risk of a dinosaur killer is zero (within the next 100 years) of course.
BTW: Has anyone ever seen me dealing cards? [Link]
Here's me after you thought you were done with me. [Link]
Gary the Union Rep coming to inspect: [Link]
Gibbons v. Hedgehog: [Link]
He's even familiar with Steinbeck: [Link]
(They're KLR Productions [Link] and are great as folks have heard me say. They hit my humerus in video like HFL does in text. )
As re this one: (Nip dealer - [Link] ) when I first saw Fight Club, (and this was before internet folks were telling folks to look at it closer - I was one of the people telling folks to watch it and look at it closer) it took me about ten viewings before I didn't catch any extra, hidden subtleties. That was a big production, and these guys with I'd guess NO 'budget' slipped something in that I didn't catch until ~ the fifth viewing: when Jimmy the angry Jack Nicholson Cat says "Yes, even you at back at home," which is perfectly timed to match his shifting focus to the camera lens and then back to John the cat.
Again, for any who wish it, their YT Channel is [Link] (They have other home pages on Tik Tok, et al. I remember the guy saying how they had one of their videos get posted by someone else (I think without credit to them) and it got 3M! views. I believe it was Otter v. Water [Link]
(As hard as it is? used to be? to believe, they even got banned - by Reddit and though R had some 'excuse' it sounded lame to me..)
*Typical 14 year old boy.
The fireball passed through the constellation of Cassiopeia.
Maybe it's ... I don't know but I guess that she's looking rather laterally stretched out. (By the time I was 4 I could point her out, 'the lady in the (upside down, usually) chair. My father taught me well.)