© Mohamed Ali
RESIDENTS in Ceuta were alarmed when a huge sinkhole appeared in the road near the entrance to the Barriada del Principe.

The sinkhole, which measured several metres in diameter, took up part of the pavement and the road, by the old Quemadero bridge and the football field, in the Spanish enclave city in North Africa.

The leader of the local Caballas Coalition party, Mohamed Ali, tweeted about the sinkhole, which left residents in the area shocked over how dangerous it could have proved.

The area was cordoned off and barriers were placed around the sinkhole.

Ali said that this should make people think about the state of the local roads and has asked for the local government, presided by Juan Vivas, to respond regarding "who and how filled in the old riverbed."

Firemen rushed to the scene, although thankfully, no-one was injured. Now, there will be a complete check in the area.

Local residents frequently complain about the poor upkeep in the city.

Meanwhile, the Department of Public Works, Tourism, Environment and Urban Services has announced that work will start immediately to repair the road, mainly fixing the pipes and filling in the sinkhole with earth. Once this is completed, the road will reopen to the public.