When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of Liberty quits the horizon.
What, American intelligence services, those same ones who removed Al Qaeda, flew them out when no other aircraft was allowed to fly, apart from...
Love the artwork. Very claustrophobic...I don't care for claustrophobia, but the art is very successfully emotionally provocative, IMO. I like it,...
Aye……and I wonder, if the finger who nearly had Trump smoked……wouldn’t it be nice to see him….OR HER….. stand trial…….. they haven’t finished with...
If one ascribes to the ideology of being a "non-interventionist" do you realize how much of our taxpayer dollars could be put towards other...
The spigot of money and corruption is slowly but surely being shut off. I have hope !
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If you pause an consider this you may recognize that our consciousness is predicated on a separate 'self' as a doer - rather than as an expression of relational movement within and OF a Field of definition. There is no separate self - except as a modelling symbol of the wish for autonomous experience of existence.
Within the mind-matrix of filtering definitions that provide the consciousness of prediction and control via the modelling of object-continuity under a narrative of domination and subjection, is a focus where survival is predicated upon maintaining and reinforcing the focus of a self-sustaining system - as if we can pull ourselves up by our shoelaces.
The nature of being aware is of movement as Self extending - where self is the Totality or Wholeness - one in all its Expression. No separation to relational wholeness, nor any attribute of a separative 'mind'.
Sudden shifts of 'adjustment' or change within a quantised temporal model of qualities in relation may be seen as a downstream effect of an upstream event, in which electrical discharge events effect pressure waves in rock. Electric Universe is always moving to equilibrium and yet always rising from charge separation; both. So any instant is Balance because divisions of One can only total One - but each instant is a total equality of an Open Creation that is lost, or out of range, to a exclusively held focus in narrative outcomes in a separative and polarised identification in our own image or model - as 'more than' or 'less than'.
In this sketch is that which only changes and that which is changeless or not subject to change.
The seeking to become equal by adding to or taking from is the expression of inequality as possession and control - set in terms of conditioned LACK. But the expression of equality is already moving as One in All. Aligning in true movement is the release of the sense of separate definition and control. Lack of self-conflict undoes the conviction in lack of connection, communication, relation, love and power. We cannot lose what we never really had.
But while we believe we have or possess as a result of separation and lack or limit - we generate structures of psychic defence against loss, that filter and deny a true appreciation of anything.