A vibrant meteor lit up the sky from North Dakota to Wisconsin overnight, and Michael Stanga captured it on video around 2:30 a.m. as he looked to the northwest from Otsego, Minnesota.
Meteor/Meteorite shining bright at 2:33AM over Otsego, MN! #mnwx @cityofotsegomn @NWSTwinCities @KSTP @JYuhasKSTP @FOX9 @Sarah_Danik @kare11 @svensundgaard @WCCO @MikeAugustyniak @StarTribune @bringmethenews @NorthWright2Day pic.twitter.com/TpfhwjsjyA
— Michael Stanga (@RealMStanga) April 16, 2019
It was short-lived, but still presented an array of vibrant greens and blues as it moved through the night sky.
Stanga's camera captured the fireball just after 2:30 a.m., but there were also 19 other reports of a meteor streaking through the sky around 11:20 p.m., according to the American Meteor Society.
Those observations were reported from near Grand Forks and basically right down Interstate 94 into western Wisconsin. There was even a report out of Iowa.
"While it only lasted a few seconds, the fireball was moving at a slow/steady pace," said a woman who reported seeing it from Swift Falls, Minnesota.
"It was very bright, even with some clouds. It was a very surreal experience, I knew immediately I had witnessed something extraordinary!"
Comment: Two nights earlier in the same region: Meteor fireball lights up the sky in the upper Midwest