Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador  Donald Trump
Mexico's new president - Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador - plans to work with the U.S. and Canada to crack down on the immigration crisis facing North America.

Lopez Obrador gave more details about the three-way plan on Monday, while giving his first news conference as president.

In exchange for Mexico offering to help cut down on illegal immigration, the U.S. and Canada will invest in the country's future building projects.

This comes as Mexico's border city of Tijuana struggles to deal with the thousands of migrants arriving in recent weeks as part of the caravan.

"We hope companies and governments from the United States, Canada and Mexico can initiate a plan to push for development from south to north in Central America and North America to confront the migratory phenomenon," stated the Mexican president.

President Trump tweeted Lopez Obrador on Monday to congratulate him on his inauguration, adding, they will work together for many years to come.