Leonid Pasechnik
© Leonid Pasechnik promised to follow the course that the LPR chose in 2014, to return to RussiaLeonid Pasechnik, acting head of LPR, promised to follow the course that the LPR chose in 2014, to return to Russia
In 2014, residents of the LPR chose integration with the Russian Federation, and this will be pursued to the end. This was announced today at the rally in support of the social movement Mir Luganshine held in Lugansk by the Acting Head of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik.

"I am sure that the course taken by our Republic in 2014 to integrate with the Russian Federation is the right one. And we will follow it to the end," promised the acting head of the LPR.

"Thanks to our conscientious efforts, a nationwide program for the development of our Republic for the period up to 2023 has been prepared and written. Thanks to our joint efforts, we are increasing pensions, and workers' wages. And this is all our joint work," said Pasechnik.

"Thanks to our efforts, we are rebuilding our economy, we are launching plants and factories, our destroyed enterprises. Thanks to our joint efforts, we have reduced the prices of fuel and lubricants in the territory of our Republic to the prices of the Russian Federation. I think this is an unprecedented breakthrough in the economy of our Republic," he added.

"I am also confident that all our greatest achievements and the most significant of our victories are waiting for us ahead," - said the head of the LPR.

On October 8, Pasechnik, at a meeting with his teachers in Luhansk School No. 48, promised not to allow the return of Ukraine LPR and confirmed the firm course of the Republic to return to Russia.

Recall that on September 17 Pasechnik proclaimed his candidacy for the November 11 election for head of the LPR.

On September 14, the Lugansk Central Election Commission approved the procedure for nominating candidates for the elections for Head of the Republic.

Earlier it was reported that the elections for president and deputies of the DPR and the LPR will be held on November 11.

On September 10, the EU condemned the upcoming elections in the Donbass.

On September 13, the US State Department also condemned the upcoming elections in the Donbass and called them illegal.