Greek sidewalk
© Kostis Ntantamis / Global Look Press"Watch your step!"
RT's Keiser Report looks into media reports hailing the end of austerity in Greece, contradicted by the harsh reality of decades of painful austerity still ahead.

Greece's former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis posted a sobering tweet, pointing out that his country had "entered 32 years of permanent harsh austerity while the world media celebrated the end of Greek austerity."

Max Keiser explains that the "vultures left the table because there's nothing left to eat. The IMF and the Troika, the ECB and EU, they all fed on the corpse of Greece that they themselves killed, until there was nothing left to pick. There's no more meat on the bone. They took all the assets, they sold them, they repackaged them, they financialized them, and now they're leaving... And now they're moving on to another country and [will] probably destroy that country."