Jared Kushner John Kelly Donald Trump
© Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
President Trump is not happy.

The departure of White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter earlier this week has sown discord in the West Wing. Trump reportedly had no idea of the abuse allegations leveled against Porter, which is curious because it's assumed that Porter's restraining order and police record of abuse would have popped up in the background checks that are requisite in any White House position.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly is apparently behind the coverup, as he was a big advocate of Porter in the West Wing, and tried his best to keep the Staff Secretary from leaving. This act of betrayal has put the President in a tough spot: Can he keep trusting John Kelly? Will he pick a new chief of staff?

The New York Times is reporting that Trump is indeed considering a Kelly replacement. From the report:
Among the many people agitated this week over John F. Kelly, the White House chief of staff, was President Trump. And among the people the president called to express dissatisfaction, according to those close to him, was none other than Reince Priebus, the previous chief of staff, who also irritated Mr. Trump.

The idea that the president would confide grievances over Mr. Kelly with the person he pushed out to hire Mr. Kelly is yet another indication of how upside-down Mr. Trump's world can be. In the West Wing, various characters fall in and out of favor with such rapidity that it is never entirely clear who has the president's ear.
Here's the most interesting part. Trump is considering replacing Kelly with none other than Mick Mulvaney, the former lawmaker who is now head of both the Office of Management and Budget and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

From the NYT:
All of which has again fired up the will-he-last speculation that has erupted periodically in the six months Mr. Kelly has been in office. Mr. Trump has recently asked advisers what they think of Mick Mulvaney, who currently holds twin posts as director of the White House budget office and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as a possible chief of staff, according to two people briefed on the discussions.

That would be a huge twist in an already dramatic White House.