Last April, Smithville police attempted to pull Dial over for driving on a suspended license. Only minutes later, police would kill the unarmed man over this minor traffic offense.
Dial was driving a 1976 pickup truck when police turned on their lights to pull him over. Instead of stopping, he continued on. The low-speed chase lasted only a few minutes until police rammed him off the road and shot him in the head. Dial was unarmed.
Michael's widow, Robyn Dial told local media that she couldn't believe how quick a stop over a suspended license escalated to her husband being kill by police. Dial explained that her husband feared the police, so he chose to keep driving-a decision that would seal his fate forever.
"Why didn't he stop?" Dial asked. "He was scared. I know him enough to know that."
It is important to note that Dial never even broke the speed limit and aside from failing to stop, the dangerous actions were all initiated by police.
"How fast do you think it got up to?" the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agent asked.
Dekalb County Detective Jimmy Martin responded, "We might have got up to 50 at one point. For the most part, it was 30 to 40 miles per hour."
According to News Channel 5, the situation unfolded as follows:
Dekalb deputies backed off at the county line, and White County took over. Their deputies tried to stop Dial using their patrol cars. Reserve Deputy Adam West got involved - driving his personal pick-up. Sheriff Oddie Shoupe was not involved in the chase, but he gave orders to the radio dispatcher authorizing deputies to shoot Dial.Over the radio, we can hear the dispatcher relaying the command to kill the unarmed man over his suspended license.
"Per 59 (the sheriff) use deadly force if necessary. Take the subject out by any means necessary," the radio dispatcher said.
Moments after being given the command to kill Dial, police managed to cause him to spin out at which point Deputy Adam West and Officer Charlie Simms obeyed the Sheriff, got out their vehicles, and executed Dial. He was struck in the head and died at the scene.
"I feel with every part of me that's exactly what they wanted to do was kill him," said Robyn Dial, and she is right. After she filed a lawsuit, and after the cops were ruled justified in Dial's execution over a suspended license, new body camera footage was found showing just how much police wanted to kill her husband.
Dial's lawsuit now exposes the chilling conversation the sheriff had with his cops after they killed an unarmed man. One of the deputies who killed Dial was badly shaken up and appeared to be questioning the fact that he listened to the sheriff to take his life.
Sheriff Shoupe: "I told em, I said take him out."
Deputy: "I heard."
Sheriff Shoupe: "Damn, I don't give a shit."
Deputy: "It wasn't long after that I heard 'shots fired.'"
As News 5 reports, the lawsuit claims Sheriff Shoupe "preferred to shoot and kill Mr. Dial rather than risk damaging his patrol cars."
Sheriff Shoupe: "They said 'we're ramming him.' I said, 'Don't ram him shoot him.' Fuck that shit. Ain't gonna tear up my cars."
"If they don't think I'll give the damn order to kill that motherfucker they're full of shit. (Laughter) Take him out. I'm here on the damn wrong end of the county," Shoupe said on the body camera, indicating that he was sad that he missed the chance to murder an unarmed man.
"I love this shit. God, I tell you what, I thrive on it," the sheriff said.
Dial's attorney, David Weissman is now calling out the officers for killing an unarmed man and drawing much-needed attention to a cop that would "thrive" on taking a life.
"I don't know how you can thrive on taking a human life. That's not law enforcement," Weissman said.
"If that's the mentality of the highest policy maker in the county, that's scary," Weissman said.
Indeed it is.
Below is the dashcam video of the pursuit, followed by the body camera video of the sheriff celebrating his kill.
The next video is the sheriff gloating about his deputy's kill.
Reader Comments
I think you're being too politic.* How about homicidal maniacal psychopath from hell.
* Just to confirm - No worries as I agree with your post, as the term 'dirtbag; includes the details I've added.