Donald Trump
President Trump is the new "comeback kid," with his approval rating in a new national poll rebounding after a freefall.

The latest Zogby Analytics survey, provided to Secrets, gave Trump a 45 percent approval rating, driven by big gains among Hispanics, union households and voters in the West.

What's more, said Zogby, more men approve of Trump than don't.

"The president's approval rating has rebounded somewhat since our July poll. Following a series of disastrous weeks, Trump's approval numbers have moved up slightly, especially among his base and a few other sub-groups not known for their support of the president," said the polling analysis provided to Secrets.

"Trump's overall approval is at 45 percent, while 51 percent of likely voters disapprove of his job as president and 5 percent are not sure. The president's numbers are stronger with men at 49 percent approval/48 percent disapproval, while they are weaker among women voters-40 percent approval/53 percent disapproval," said the polling outfit.

Those numbers are better than some other recent polls that have drawn the ire of Trump and his Twitter account.
President Trump's approval rating Zogby August 2017
President Trump's approval rating from Zogby Analytics.
Zogby pointed out the areas where Trump has gained ground:
  • Hispanics. "Trump saw one the biggest improvements among any subgroup with Hispanics; his approval increased 11 percent to 42 percent approval versus 55 percent who disapprove of Trump's job as president."
  • Union households. "Trump's numbers also increased significantly among union voters from 43 percent approval to 51 percent approval in August."
  • Weekly Walmart shoppers. 55 percent approve while 43 percent disapprove.
  • Married voters. 53 percent approve vs. 43 percent disapprove.
  • Western voters. "Trump's s approval increased 10 percent in the West to 43 percent approve/52 percent disapprove."
  • Republican base. 76 percent approval vs. 22 percent disapproval.
And in the big city vs. rural town category, the president saw a big Main Street gain, said Zogby:

When it comes to where voters live, large city voters-population >100k (39% approve/58% disapprove) and small city voters (44% approve/51% disapprove) are more likely to disapprove of President Trump. Small City voters (population less than 100k) were the largest increase in approval for Trump among sub-groups, with a 12% gain in approval since July. Trump does slightly better in the suburbs--47% approve/48% disapprove and he remains popular in the rural areas with 50% approve/44% disapprove.