Marine Le Pen
© Flickr/Creative Commons/Blandine Le Cain
The first round of the presidential election will be held on 23rd of April. On the eve of it, the leader of the National Front Marine Le Pen has posted the video on her Twitter account where she presents 10 actions that she will take during the first two months in case of her election. The French presidential candidate also published the text version on her website.

1. Cancel the Schengen agreement and restore control at the national borders

This statement made a big fuss in the Western mass media. It revived talks about the possibility of Frexit. Also, this ambitious point of her program distinguishes the leader of FN from all candidates and, especially, from the former investment banker of the Rothschild bank, ex-Economy Minister, Emmanuel Macron, who is satisfied with his current subordinate position in France.

2. Deport foreigners of "S" category

Citizens of category S (Sûreté de l'Etat - State Security) in France are not identified as criminals, but are mentioned as someone who might have any connections with terrorist organizations. This category is not formal, people cannot be arrested because of it, but, nevertheless, they are under surveillance.

Marine le Pen also proposes to take action and deprive suspicious individuals of French citizenship. Moreover, the candidate suggests preventing individuals, who have dual citizenship and whose connection with jihad is proved, to enter the State.

3. Repeal Criminal Laws "Dati" and "Taubira" to end the judicial laxity

These laws make law breaker's life easier. In 2008, there were active discussions of the law that could put the portion of criminals under house arrest because of lack of places in prisons. In reality, the criminals with electronic bracelets walk freely in the permitted areas of the city instead of sitting in jail.

Cristiane Taubira is famous as a fighter for the rights of criminals and black people and for legalisation of gay marriage. and Rachida Dati stands up consistently for a secular and liberal state.

Marine le Pen has always mentioned that these laws show our weakness to the criminals and demonstrate our disrespect towards their victims.

4. Organize a referendum on a major institutional reform

This point involves the proportional government, referendum on people's legislative initiative, national priority, and protection of people's identity, culture and historical heritage. Also, it suggests reducing the number of deputies and senators.

5. Implement tax reforms

The income tax is suggested to be decreased by 10 % in the first three tranches and the additional fiscal burden should be reduced by half for widows and widowers.

6. Reduce the retirement age

Restoration of retirement at age 60 with 40 contribution annuities. It is note worthy to say that despite the protests of the citizens the retirement age has been increased recently from 60 to 62,5.

7. Abolish the State Medical Aid for illegal immigrants

8. Encourage overtime work and revaluate small pensions

9. Develop competitiveness and provide work places

Marine le Pen suggests transferring 50 milliard of euro, which are now being spent on CICE (tax benefit for competiveness and providing work places) to small and medium enterprises.

10. Repeal the Labor law "El Khomri"

The law proposed by the government of Hollande, Valls, ElKhomri suggests increasing working hours (up to 60 hours a week) and decreasing the extra payment for overtime. Moreover, the conditions of dismissal can be noted in a labor agreement in advance. The labor reform seems to be extremely unpopular among French people and it can be seen that the social guideline of Marine Le Pen's program will give her additional advantage in the presidential race.