Trump global gag order
That is the title of a Huffington Post article about the fact that Trump today signed an Executive Order reinstating the 'Mexico City Policy' aka the 'global gag rule'.

If, like most people, you just read the title, you could be forgiven for thinking that everything Clinton supporters have been saying about Trump is true...he really is a woman-hating neanderthal! But if, by now, you've learned that there seems to be a concerted effort by the mainstream media to pitch Trump and his administration in the worst possible light, you probably suspect that there's more to this story than that headline and what it implies. And you'd be correct in suspicions.

The Mexico City Policy is legislation that was introduced under Reagan, rescinded under slick willy, reinstated under Dubya, rescinded under Obomber and finally reinstated again under Trump. So on that score alone, there's no reason to see this as evidence of Trump's draconian misogyny.

Look a little closer, and you'll find out that this legislation prevents US taxpayer money being given to foreign organisations that promote abortion to women in foreign countries as a major method of birth control. The reason? Largely because in most of the foreign countries where this occurs, there are national laws banning abortion.

So you get the idea: it's a piece of legislation that stops the US meddling with the laws and societies of foreign nations. Is that a bad thing?