In a stunning development coming out of the FBI, the Hillary Clinton Email Investigation is being reopened. The reopening has to do with "the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation," as Rep. Jason Chaffetz tweeted. However, Chaffetz also learned from the FBI that Congress does not have the security clearance to read the emails. This shocked Chaffetz:

FBI Director Comey wrote a letter to Congress on Friday:"Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony."

FBI Director Comey  letter to Congress
We know that the documents in question were found on a computer belonging to Clinton aide and confidant, Huma Abedin and her husband, Anthony Weiner, who is being investigated for sexual charges regarding an underage girl in NC.

Also, the revelation below seems to indicate there is a conflict of interest regarding Clinton and FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe.
"There are outstanding questions .?.?. regarding a possible conflict of interest into this case," stated House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz in a letter to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, as cited by the Washington Post. Chaffetz requested McCabe provide documentation concerning his wife's 2015 bid for the Senate, which, as the Post notes, received financial support from Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who is close to Hillary Clinton.

Chaffetz requested documents from McCabe concerning "when you first became aware the State Department was pressuring the FBI to reverse its decision regarding the classification of one of Secretary Clinton's emails," and, "when you first became aware the FBI had opened an investigation into Secretary Clinton's email server."
BREAKING: FBI Makes Stunning Reversal, Reopens Clinton Investigation After Discovery of New Documents

It is comforting for WE THE PEOPLE to know this case is being reopened. There must be a bombshell lurking inside Huma Abedin's computer, as Congress does not even have the clearance to view it as of yet. Hopefully it will not be long before we know what it is, and just how much damage it will do to Hillary Clinton's Presidential all I can say to that. I had felt the election is rigged in Hillary's favor, but it looks like even that cannot help her at this point.