putin soros
Anyone who follows the activities of George Soros knows that this ardent and consistent enemy of Russia is characterized by an unhealthy obsession with vivid gestures and symbolic actions. He does not hesitate to directly appeal to leading world politicians and even tries to publicly dictate political decisions to the leaders of such countries as Germany or Greece and even sometimes swings out at and chastises the European Commission.

Soros could easily be mistaken for the village psycho who has simply seized the opportunity to publicly express his overvalued ideas, but things are not so simple. After all, it is he who sponsored numerous "color revolutions" in many countries. He very well might be a psycho, but he is an influential and dangerous psycho.

This time, the American oligarch has, with great geopolitical ambition, decided to appeal to Russians with the call to unite and oppose the war crimes supposedly being perpetrated by the Russian Army in Syria. I don't think that it is a coincidence that this appeal was aired by the media on October 7th, the birthday of the Russian president. I believe that this was a kind of birthday greeting for the Russian president, whom Soros essentially promises will suffer the fate of Serbia's Milosevic.

The American oligarch asserted that Putin is guilty of war crimes in Syria. One doesn't need to be particularly perceptive to realize what he implies when he says "When the facts are fully established, Putin's bombing of Aleppo will be viewed as among the modern world's most egregious war crimes."

In several places, it is enough to replace "Aleppo" with "Srebrenica" and "bombings" with "massacre", and it immediately becomes clear what George Soros is dreaming of. And he appeals to us, Russians, to realize this dream.

Here's what he said:
I appeal to the people of Russia, Europe, and the rest of the world not to stand idly by, but to spread the word and voice their outrage. An outpouring of public opinion could induce President Putin to put an end to his heinous crimes against humanity.
Let's translate this phrase into honest Russian: "Russians," Soros tells us, "Go out on the streets! Do what the Serbs did with their leaders and heroes! Demand Roquefort, Camembert, and quick entry into the European Union! We promise you life like in Europe, and the price will be very small. Betray Putin. Throw him to the wolves, and everything will be good right way. We will even praise you."

If we compare this statement by Soros to the British media's recent howling about American generals' serious discussion of the inevitability of a global and very bloody conflict between the USA and Russia, and even the US and China, then we can see how, right before our very eyes, all of this forms one of the elements of an American psychological attack.

The target of this attack is not Vladimir Putin. I think that no one has any illusions: Putin can't be bullied or forced to back down from his chosen path. The target of this attack was us, dear friends and fellow citizens. They are frightening us with nuclear guided bombs recently tested in the US. They are telling us through British media that millions of us will die in the event of a conflict with the US. So, in the end, they propose that we stop Putin and throw him at the mercy of our Western geopolitical enemies.

One could assume that this same message was addressed to the Russian political elite as well, but this trick was already tried last year. There was no rebellion by the Russian elite. On the contrary, they rallied around the president. The elite understood that, without Putin and without a strong Russia, they aren't needed by anyone anywhere and will never be recognized as equals or let into the rooms of their white masters.

This realization was a big surprise for our Western "partners," who are used to thinking of Russian state officials and security forces like naive fools who still haven't recovered from the shock of the '90's and the dream of spending their retirement in Saint Tropez. Much to the surprise of our Western partners, it turned out that the Russian elite has an instinct of self-preservation, and that Crimea can completely replace Cote d'Azur.

And here desperate Soros and his friends from British media, as well as American generals from Clinton's suite, have decided to give us a scare. This is their last chance and final hope that Russians will once again destroy their own empire.

Today, I am more confident than ever that Russians' collective response to these American threats and Soros' sweet deal will be crisp, clear, and uncensored. This answer would be the best gift for our president. Happy birthday, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin!