Wild butterfree on PokemonGo
© xChibiiGo via TwitterA wild Butterfree appears, Pokemon Go.
The municipality of The Hague filed a lawsuit against American game company Niantic in an effort to reduce annoyance caused by Pokemon Go players in Kijkduin. The case appears in court on October 11th, NU.nl reports.

According to the newspaper, Pokemon Go players cause a lot of problems in Kijkduin. They break lampposts to charge their phones and leave a mess behind.

Over the past weeks the municipality tried to contact Niantic several times, but with no response. So they decided to take the matter to court.

The municipality is demanding that there be no Pokemon on and around the Delta Square in Kijkduin between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. And that the nature reserve area be removed completely from the game.

"In this way Kijkduin will remain attractive to Pokemon Go players, but the nuisance to local residents and damage to nature are prevented", a spokesperson for VVD alderman Boudewijn Revis said to newspaper AD.