Anthony Choy, who has been investigating UFO sightings for 25 years, says he and his crew chased the being after it appeared outside a petrol station in Pachacamac, Peru on August 22.
According to Choy and his witnesses, the creature was about half a metre tall, with red eyes and a head the size up a pumpkin. It emitted blue glowing lights from it's dome-like skull.
When it ran into the motorway, Choy claimed the being was hit by a speeding truck, but disappeared at the point of contact and rematerialised in the road after it had passed.
Choy says he believes that moment proves the alien must be capable of teleportation in order to avoid certain death.
Comment: More likely - assuming there is something paranormal to this - that both the 'creature' and the truck briefly shared the same space-time coordinates, thus 'passing through' one another.
Blurry footage taken by the investigators does indeed appear to show a strange blue form walking towards the motorway, before vanishing just as a lorry hits it.
"This being is unique," Choy said. "Initially we thought it was a robot or drone but this has been ruled out because it made no noise, there was no engine or rotors."
Mr Choy insisted the footage was genuine, but conceded sceptics will accuse him of forging the footage, while conspiracy theorists will claim it is the work of Project Blue Beam.
Looks like a guy on a bike. You can see him put a foot down right at the beginning of the vid. The blue light shining on him is reflected in the sides of the truck. It's not shining off of him, its behind him. Might be a street sign or something.