This article will demonstrate how a subhuman class of murderous psychopaths epitomized in the modern day era by the likes of the Bush-Clinton-Obama-CIA crime cabal family have treasonously overthrown America's democratic republic and replaced it with today's technocratic fascist totalitarian police state oligarchy. But the story could just as easily begin the same year America's Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in July 1776. Another historically significant figure in Bavaria in southern Germany barely two months earlier was busy founding the secret Order of the Illuminati.
The son of a rabbi but trained in Jesuit tradition he later came to despise, German philosopher Adam Wieshaupt dabbled in Freemasonry and the Cabbala before developing his own secret society. With fellow Jewish Rothschild money, they plotted an ambitious, highly subversive plan for their anti-Catholic secret society of elitists to implement global governance. Influenced by both ancient Talmudic roots and Egyptian occult nearly two and a half centuries ago, prior to the United States even becoming a sovereign, independent nation, Weishaupt and his "illumined" order already identified the three major barriers deemed the true enemy of one world government.
For well over a century traitors within the US federal government have persistently sought to undermine and vanquish Weishaupt's three declared enemy obstacles to one world government - American citizens' love of God and their predominant Christian religion, patriotic love of country and national sovereignty, and love of family and parents that include private property inheritance. What is striking is that Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto also calls for abolishment of family, private property, countries/nationalities and religion as well. One world government is the fait accompli umbrella that unites Marxists, Zionists, Fabian Socialists, the United Nations, the EU, the Parliamentary Group for World Government, Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bilderberg Group, Trans-Pacific Partnership, the TTIP, the Vatican and the World Council of Churches.
Obviously this globalist agenda has been winning on all accounts, overcoming aforementioned barriers targeted centuries earlier. Subsequently with the direction this nation has taken since 9/11 under the Bush-Obama regime, the US populace is more confused, polarized and conflicted than ever before.
The ruling elite has historically used US Empire to do its dirty bidding as both global bully and nation exterminator. From behind a thinly veiled curtain, the CFR's been the Intel handler directing all US wars in a nonstop foreign policy conquest of global unipolar hegemony for the last 95 years now.
The same founders of the 1921 Council on Foreign Relations a few years earlier had deceitfully snuck through their secret Jekyll Island masterplan called the Federal Reserve Act as its financial WMD on the eve of Christmas Eve 1913 right after most Congress members had already left Washington on holiday break. Thus a band of powerful thieves was stealthily successful in infiltrating the government and hijacking America on their way to destroying our democratic republic. For good measure, during that same fateful year that our republic took it first fatal blow, they also finagled passage of their unconstitutional "1%" Federal Income Tax Act when they took license to begin stealing, misappropriating and bleeding working class Americans dry while monopolizing mega-giant corporations enjoy tax-free, corporate welfare subsidies. The US government oligarchy squeezes ten times more out of overburdened taxpayers for obscene corporate welfare programs than for welfare for America's most poverty-stricken families. The rich get richer while a growing disenfranchised class of Americans are thrown to the Wall Street wolves as purged useless eaters as part of the elite's eugenics endgame.
Once their Ponzi schemed 1913 Federal Reserve Act was in place, it took the parasitic traitors only a few months to began what was to become history's deadliest "war to end all wars" killing 17 million people. Little more than a decade later the bankers' intentionally manipulated the Great Depression and the treasonous failed coup of 1934 that "war is a racket" General Smedley Butler heroically stopped and exposed. Then the banking vultures like George W's grandpa Prescott Bush turned to financing Hitler's rise to power in order to cause history's bloodiest of all wars in WWII killing over 60 million, followed immediately by the elite's contrived cold war against their next bankrolled enemy the Communists that included both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Fact based evidence clearly shows time and time again that all of America's wars have been brought to us exclusively by the bankster gangsters who hijacked our government a century ago and been in the driver's seat ever since.
In 1913 private bankers were able to seize control over America's money supply, allowing them to print it out of thin air and over the years loaning the government trillions of dollars the US taxpayers would forever be footing the bill to pay off interests on all those war loan debts and big government pork barrel spending that keep mounting into the colossal, unpayable US debt (standing at near $20 trillion that's doubled under Obama to match all previous presidencies combined!). The corrupt system of thievery has taxpayers paying for wars that bankers create, always financing both sides as in Germany's pre-WWI militarization and the Bolshevik Revolution and later Hitler's prewar rise to power. Washington and its allies have been busted for all along secretly funding America's so called war on terror enemy - the al Qaeda/ISIS terrorists. By elite design, virtually every military conflict in US history has been intentionally started by bankers using false flag operations as their deceptive pretext for nonstop war 93% of the time.
After inventing al Qaeda (then mujahedeen) as paid CIA mercenaries that proved instrumental in breaking up the Soviet Empire in the "graveyard of empires" Afghanistan throughout the 1980's, and again throughout the 90's balkanizing a shattered Yugoslavia into a half dozen broken pieces, Washington's Zionist neocons in control of foreign policy then decided to reinvent al Qaeda and their hitherto proxy war ally Osama bin Laden as the latest post-Soviet era bogeymen - Islamic terrorists. Using 19 box-cutting patsies on 9/11 led not by Osama but by CIA and 9/11 mastermind and former CFR president who was then Vice President Dick Cheney, with direct assistance from both Israel's Mossad as well as the Saudi government, the infamous Bush regime traitors sloppily staged their pre-plotted PNAC "new Pearl Harbor" as the biggest false flag in history on 9/11 murdering 3,000 of their own citizens and, in one fell swoop, began scapegoating over 2 billion Muslims worldwide in order to launch their "endless war on terror" that's still raging stronger than ever today.
Their inside 9/11 job along with their anthrax terrorism (produced in a federal lab) was then used to rush through their Patriot Act, already pre-penned by the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld war criminal chain gang to finish the task begun back in 1913 to destroy the US as a democratic republic . The same secret societies like the Freemasons, Skull and Bones disciples and CFR lifers that infiltrated and hijacked our federal government a century earlier are even more firmly in control today. The Bush-Clinton-Obama crime cabal dynasty has been calling the shots ever since the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and they're currently in the final stages of implementing their long awaited one world government tyranny. Recognizing that Americans are finally catching on to their endless crime cabal debauchery, the globalists are rushing to their NWO finish line.
A year after 9/11-Patriot Act inside job, the Department of Homeland Security artificially emerged to ostensibly protect Americans, but like all things Orwellian, does exactly the opposite. As part of the bloated, self-serving, bureaucratic security state apparatus, and terminal cancer to our lost democratic republic, it's done little to none in stopping terrorism. What it does do is purge any records linking the Muslim Brotherhood to terrorism. Local San Bernardino and nearby Orlando Fort Myers mosques that had connections to the alleged false flag shooters were ordered erased. DHS has been repeatedly caught bussing unvetted illegal aliens from Somalia and who knows where else. The Orlando shooter was employed for nearly a decade at the world's largest private security company GS4 that's under contract with DHS transporting illegals from the border into America's heartland as part of its catch and release policy.
An eyewitness video captured a UPS plane under the cover of darkness flying in human cargo presumably from the Middle East, loading them onto 30 busses and whisking them away from the Harrisburg, PA airport. State governors are complaining Obama is secretly sending refugees into states without even notifying the governors. With 6,227 Syrian refugees arriving this year as of July, Obama promised the UN he'd take in an additional 10,000 Syrians by the end of next month. Fulfilling promises to the global elite and UN obviously mean everything, unlike all his broken campaign promises like transparency to the American people. During Obama's first five years in office alone, green cards were issued to 680,000 immigrants arriving from Muslim nations. Each year the US admits a quarter million Muslim migrants. Thanks to our treasonous commander-in-chief, unvetted and set free, ISIS cells in America are alive and well.
For the first time in a decade, near half the total refugees arriving in the US this year are Muslims outnumbering Christians. Obama's open border policy has DHS ordering Border Patrol officers to stand down, permitting known drug traffickers and MS13 criminal gang members to freely enter and commit crimes against Americans. DHS is treasonously working with the UN to allow criminals and potential terrorists into our country at the same time DHS is targeting law abiding citizens who happen to be patriots, veterans, gun owners, constitutionalists and dissidents as its homegrown enemy.
Meanwhile, returning to those three sworn Illuminati enemies, through mass media propaganda and the likes of fourth wave feminism and the LBGT-PC agenda, the elite's been busily engaging in social engineering that has globally undermined male-female relations, confused gender roles and sexuality, and subsequently by design seriously weakened the family bond. As a former licensed therapist working within the child welfare system, I can attest to deep state authoritarianism perpetrated by overzealous child protective services Nazis that wrongfully break up families and further abuse children who were my victimized clients. Oppressive overreach in both education and social services at federal, state and county levels has clearly usurped autonomous rights of America's parents. The "progressive" idea being pushed nowadays insists that children no longer belong to their parents but the globalized community.
Much has been written about the subversive forces of social indoctrination heavily tainted in communist and socialist ideology now being so aggressively deployed by the so called progressive left. As an example, the Obama administration coerced 46 out of 50 states into accepting Common Core standards as a condition to receiving much needed federal aid funding. The systemic brainwash of today's youth through a purposely dumbed down public education system is insidiously polluting impressionable young minds with Common Core garbage. The collectivist dogma frowns upon individuality and individual achievement as one's value is only as good as one's contribution and benefit toward the collective group. Unthinking conformity, group mindset and the Political Correctness agenda have suppressed, stifled and supplanted critical thinking, innate creativity and natural inquiry in pursuit of truth that dare questions authority. The brainwash factory in America goes to work early on in our schools to churn out mindless little robots who simply do what they're told as zombified cogs in the factory wheel, only to find out that when they graduate the factory's been closed, outsourced overseas for cheaper slave labor.
For over a decade US Homeland Security Department and FEMA have been recruiting and training America's clergy to align as deep state propagandist oppressors during a national emergency under martial law. Many religious leaders have sold out on both God and their flock of worshippers to covertly join forces with the feds' treasonous authoritarian tyranny. In order to retain their 501c3 IRS tax-exempt status, churches, synagogues, temples and mosques across America have been co-opted into nefariously leading their religious followers to the eugenics slaughterhouse, consequently forcing pastors and clerics to betray their own spiritual principles and teachings as taught by Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha.
Per a whistleblowing pastor, FEMA enlisted the biblical passage Romans 13 as the preaching talking point to use in sermons to brainwash their congregations into blindly obeying both them and the federal authorities as preparation for the coming crises. It's an over-the-top, all too obvious government ploy to turn community religious leaders into secret police enforcers, rehearsing preparedness for potential bio-terrorist attacks, natural as well as unnatural disasters, declared national emergencies and martial law. Religious leaders will be counted on by the feds to help tame the "cowboy mentality" of American citizens determined to stand up for their property and Second Amendment rights when by executive order under martial law forced relocation, gun confiscation and property and livestock confiscation will be enforced.
The training sessions call upon the religious community to preach subservience well in advance of what's coming and that the planned forced relocation of citizens will be "for their own good," evoking benevolent Orwellian Big Brother assurance of guaranteed safety and protection as the lure to foster sheep-like obedience. FEMA trainers emphasize that the program is part of a nationwide preparedness directive under the umbrella of the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD) and ten years ago already had over 13,000 counties in the US on board. FEMA reps also reassure the religious leaders that they will receive full backup and cooperation from law enforcement at all levels when and where citizen resistance is encountered. A year after this story broke mainstream television station KSLA 12 confirmed the existence of these Clergy Response Teams operating as extensions of the federal government to help quell civil unrest and rebellion under national emergency conditions.
Meanwhile while the feds have been brainwashing pastors to become martial law pacifiers, Obama's practically made it a sin to be a Christian in America. In the US military it literally is against the law to openly share your Christian faith, punishable by court martial. Obama has destroyed troop morale and devastated retention rates in the armed forces. Biblical scenes and Merry Christmas greetings as an annual Americana tradition has been outlawed in communities across America, replaced by the contrite PC cliché "happy holidays." Daily prayer and a "God"-less Pledge of Allegiance has been surgically removed from every public education classroom across America. The rigid intolerance enforced in the name of PC radicalism that's taken hold of America today shuns any display remotely Christian while going to extreme lengths not to offend Muslims seems oddly hypocritical, one-sided and unfair. And to those who succumb to ignorance and hate toward 2 million plus Muslims around the world because the US hired a few Godless mercenary thugs to commit heinous atrocities for the US Empire of Chaos and Destruction of course makes no logical or moral sense either.
Obama's bizarre reaction last year to a Jordanian pilot burned alive by the Islamic State terrorists that he and Hillary created and the slaying and selling of children by ISIS is very telling. He told Christians to "get off your high horse" in response to the ISIS savagery, adding that Christians committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ referring to the Crusades and Inquisition against Islam and hanging blacks during Jim Crowism. But an astute critic asked, "Has he ever said ISIS has committed terrible deeds in the name of Muhammad?" Despite his repeated actions that indicate otherwise, Obama insists that he's a Christian. But he has many doubters. In a poll taken last September, 29% of Americans (43% of the Republicans) think Obama is a Muslim while 43% of Americans believe he's a Christian.
Having been caught telling over a thousand proven lies, Obama is a pathological liar and psychopath. His notorious character is shady from the get-go, a complete fraud demonstrated by his refusal to produce a valid birth certificate to illegally using a dead immigrant's social security number issued in Connecticut where he's never lived. But then psychopaths lie all the time. It's their second nature, their Modus Operandi and a primary symptom of their mental illness that only feeds their self-serving drive for power, advantage and self-aggrandizement. Incapable of possessing either empathy or a moral conscience, hence Obama the actor's only capable of shedding those crocodile artificially induced tears. As a condition of his and others like the Clintons and the Bushes, their callous, coldhearted, destructive actions that have harmed and murdered millions of humans produce zero guilt or remorse.
So no matter how many times Obama attempts to explain he's really a Christian, people pay far more attention to his actions speaking louder than any of his deceitful words. In a C-SPAN speech last year in Turkey as well as a 2008 ABC interview with George Stephenopoulos, Obama momentarily let his guard down and rare honest words slipped out. The 2008 "my Muslim faith" admission was immediately corrected by Democratic faithful George. In addition to these faux pas, Obama once assured an Egyptian foreign minister that "I am a Muslim" and at another Islamic State dinner he uttered, "I am one of you." And once a Pakistani government minister asked Obama to be the world leader for all Muslims.
His alleged Kenyan biological father was Muslim and in his youth from 6-10 he lived as Barry Soetoro in the most Muslim populated country on earth Indonesia with a Muslim stepfather. His third grade teacher told the LA Times he was a Muslim, stating that he registered as such in school and attended Muslim classes. Obama repeatedly omits Christian references to God and Creator when reciting historic passages like the Declaration of Independence. On a number of occasions he has mocked biblical scripture but even more frequently defends Islam. Before speaking at Georgetown and Notre Dame Universities, he ordered that the cross and religious symbols be covered yet whenever he visits mosques, he never requests a décor adjustment where Allah is posted everywhere. Vatican court's highest ranking Cardinal Raymond Burke accuses Obama of being "hostile toward Christian civilization" and "promotes anti-life and anti-family policies." Recall Illuminati and Marxist foremost NWO enemies - family and religion.
If that's not enough to question where Obama's loyalty lies, his Kenyan half-brother Malik Obama is a known Muslim Brotherhood member affiliated with a group the State Department classifies as terrorist. That might also explain why Obama's DHS is wiping clean all incriminating records linking terrorism to Muslim Brotherhood. Additionally, Obama's longtime senior advisor perhaps exerting the most influence and control over the president is Iran-born Muslim Valerie Jarrett. Through a freedom of information request, Judicial Watch obtained FBI investigative files showing that Jarrett's father, father-in-law and maternal grandfather are/were Communists. Fellow Chicagoan Valerie Jarrett and her family also have ties to Obama's old mentors terrorist Bill Ayers and Communist Frank Marshall Davis as well as the Muslim Brotherhood. Last year former Admiral James "Ace" Lyons, Jr. went public accusing Barack Hussein Obama as anti-American, pro-Islamic, pro-Muslim Brotherhood, outing both Valerie Jarrett as well as CIA director John Brennan as Muslims.
According to a former FBI agent, Obama's choice of CIA director John Brennan converted to Muslim while stationed in Saudi Arabia years ago. A military intelligence whistleblower also outed the Muslim Brennan while he was CIA station chief in Jeddah maintaining that Brennan approved visas for the 19 alleged 9/11 terrorists. A couple of other credible sources have also come forth to further corroborate the veracity of these Muslim claims, among them former naval intelligence officer turned investigative journalist Wayne Madsen. Madsen contends that there's "growing evidence" the CIA director's a Wahhabist convert.
Also recall the highly suspicious death in June 2013 of muckraking journalist Michael Hastings who at the time was writing an expose on Brennan and US intelligence when his car was very likely remotely hacked and accelerated up to 80 MPH on an LA surface street before it suddenly exploded blowing the engine 100 feet from the charred body and vehicle. A WikiLeaks leak from Stratfor, a CIA linked global intelligence firm, mentioned how Brennan was on "a witch hunt" against snooping journalists. A nervous Hastings knew he was being investigated by the FBI and even had asked a friend to borrow her car earlier that same day. Michael Hastings had written two very high profile, unflattering Rolling Stone articles on two prominent generals in charge of the Afghanistan War. General Stanley McChrystal lost his job over Hastings' revealing portrayal and then a second piece on General David Petraeus who seven months earlier was forced to resign as Brennan's CIA predecessor after Petraeus' scandalous affair with his biographer broke. Again, truth becomes the enemy to dark evil forces.
Having a standing US president and US head of intelligence both treasonous Muslims covertly promoting terrorism around the world amounts to the worst breach of both national as well as global security this planet's ever known. Understanding the profound damage being done to the world by these two partners-in-crime working in tandem, this The New York Times article noting how close Obama and Brennan are suddenly makes more sense:
"In the 67 years since the CIA was founded, few presidents have had as close a bond with their intelligence chiefs."Other deeply disturbing influences on Obama's life are his mentors. His longtime mentor Bill Ayers who first got him started in politics is a well-known terrorist from the Weather Underground back in the 1960's and 70's that somehow managed to avoid jail time. Ayers told an FBI informant that had infiltrated his group that once Weather Underground overthrew the US government, 50 million Americans would need to be rounded up and taken to re-education camps. If re-education failed, Ayers estimated that 25 million Americans would need to be exterminated. The informant was interviewed revealing Ayers diabolical plan in the 1982 documentary No Place to Hide: The Strategy and Tactics of Terrorism.
With his white mother a CIA employee, his grandparents CIA assets and raised among CIA handlers in both Hawaii, Indonesia and perhaps his entire life, Obama was carefully groomed as the Manchurian president selected by the elite to suddenly catapult out of obscurity onto the national stage. Early in Obama's life from adolescence into young adulthood his closest mentor (and possibly his biological father) was African American Communist, poet and journalist Frank Marshall Davis. Davis was a victim of racism and hated it and America for that reason. As an alternative to the racist pecking order of imperialistic elitism, Frank Marshall Davis turned to Communism Soviet Stalinism style where he believed a black man would be on a more equal footing. During the time Obama knew him he'd become old and bitter. How much of that resentment and political ideology rubbed off on the young impressionable mulatto Barack struggling to find his blackness growing up in a white family without a black father? Probably quite a bit.
Obama mentions Frank (only by his first name) in his autobiography Dreams from My Father 22 times. But when it came time for his book to go audio in 2005 leading up to his run for presidency, Obama cunningly chose to totally erase Frank the Communist out of his life. With a violent subversive white radical terrorist and an angry bitter black Stalinist Communist most influential in making him the man he is today, steeped and bred in Manchurian CIA candidacy to become the most "powerful" front man in the world as long as he on cue successfully destroys racist Christian America for his ruling masters, I'd say he's followed his script like the dutiful puppet he is to the T. His horrendous track record at deceit speaks volumes that only his demonic handlers can be proud of.
By the way, as power hungry puppets spawned from the same criminally psychopathic pond, the Muslim Brotherhood waters still run deep in crime boss Hillary's shady world as well. Look no further than her right hand Muslim gal-pal who's been her top aide the last 20 years - Huma Abedin. When Huma was two-years old her family moved from Michigan to Saudi Arabia where she lived until 18, returning to America to attend college. It turns out all the while Huma was working for Clinton, she also had a gig as assistant editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1995 through 2008, a radical Sharia law publication where her Pakistani-born mother is editor out of offices in Jeddah. Mama Abedin also sits on the staff of an organization run by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The New York Post just ran a detailed article uncovering the family's extremist views endorsing female circumcision, opposing women's rights, attributing domestic violence to men's stress in the world and blamed 9/11 on the US. This shocker is just the latest from the scandal-ridden Clinton campaign. While using a private internet server, Abedin helped Hillary sell off America to dangerous foreign interests. For more than a dozen years Huma Abedin worked for an organization whose stated objective is to infiltrate and conquer the West in the name of Islam. The elite has seen to it that all its major players are in place to destroy the United States from within by traitors who secretly hate America. Welcome to New World Disorder.
While practicing Christianity openly under Obama's watch is becoming criminalized, or even displaying the American flag in front of your home on Flag Day can get you arrested, Obama and his Attorney General Loretta Lynch are making the politics of Political Correctness the new American law and religion. Uttering statements that may potentially offend someone in the universe is fast becoming a crime. Being critical of Muslims, apartheid Israel, the LGBT agenda or the federal government are increasingly construed as so called hate crimes that could land you in prison, especially if uttered by potential "homegrown extremists" deemed enemies of the state. Even filming the police in a police state can get you arrested. The assault on free speech and flagrant violations of the US Constitution that they took sworn oaths to uphold and protect is overwhelming. The First Amendment right of free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly for peaceful protest are no longer recognized as our rule of law, and exercising those rights increasingly runs the risk of being beaten, thrown in jail or even killed. Freedom of press amongst the 6-oligarch owned MSM mega-media corporations is completely nonexistent. MSM puppets on each network read from the same disinformation script. And if the Trans-Pacific Partnership passes, the last vestige of a free press and free speech that still can be found on the internet will be totally censored, banned and lost. In this age of tyrannical deceit, truth becomes the enemy.
Our Fourth Amendment rights to unreasonable search and seizure as well as the right to privacy have been completely obliterated with electronic tracking and storing our every move, communicated utterance and transaction. Through civil asset forfeiture laws, police are able to legally rob us blind without warrants or probable cause, literally stealing our cash with no connection to any crime. But now since May law enforcement has taken it a step further with new scanning devices electronically capable of snatching money right out of our bank accounts. Cops took more assets from Americans in 2014 than all the burglars combined. Eminent domain allows the government at any level from local to federal to steal our home and property not always for public use but for private development as well. Executive Order 13603 authorizes Obama and his traitors to confiscate our 2nd Amendment right to bear firearms, to confiscate our stored food and water, our vehicles and all our property. Without pay until further notice, the presidential dictator can also literally conscript Americans into slavery. 2012 NDAA ended the 1878 Posse Comitatis law that prohibited US military from interfering in civil affairs. It authorizes military troops to break into our homes without warrant, without charges, arrest and imprison citizens without due process, without legal representation and without trial for an unlimited length of time... Gulag USA.
Bail-in laws give the criminal banksters the right to literally steal all our life savings right out of our "private" unsecured bank accounts. We're now living in a lawless age of New World Disorder where grand theft rape and pillaging everything American citizens always cherished as our freedoms are gone. The treasonous traitors from within our own government have openly declared an apartheid war on Americans of every persuasion, color, creed, criminalizing anyone who demands accountability for the egregious acts of treason committed by agents from the federal as well as state and municipal levels.
After decades of war in the Middle East and North Africa, the globalists manufactured the migration crisis of near two million and counting (1.3 million in 2015 alone) in Europe and per Obama many more to come to America. The globalist plan is to weaken and destroy the West, creating such a clash of civilizations that a volatile enough racial and religious divide will foment race/religious civil wars.
Speaking of race war, in addition to being a top financier of Hillary's crooked path to a rigged presidency, billionaire George Soros first helped fund her and her assistant Nuland's illegal 2014 Ukraine coup, singlehandedly ushering in cold war 2 against Russia. Backing the fascist corrupt Kiev regime, Soros, Hillary and Obama have caused the bloody civil war still raging in eastern Ukraine that could easily ignite World War III that Hillary promises to deliver. And in recent weeks the war in the Donbass region is intensifying.
A recently released CIA report has surfaced pointing the finger at Soros financing a series of bombing attacks in Czechoslovakia during 1986 and 1987 in efforts to overthrow the then Communist government. Meet the terrorist behind the terrorists who's been free to operate his paid for violence evil with impunity throughout the world now for 30 years.
Let us not forget Soros' evil misdeeds in America with his intention to incite race wars on US soil. He dropped 33 million in a single year to deploy his paid army of bussed in agitators and co-opted Black Lives Matter protesters to invade inner cities whenever Obama's coldblooded police force murder another unarmed black man. With near weekly incidents now of police killing unarmed Americans and Intel handled MK Ultra patsies killing police, at this point Obama, Hillary and Soros' wet dream has almost been fulfilled. While racism exists in America, deep state is using it as an exploited, divide and conquer weapon to intentionally cause such out of control civil and racial violence that it will then be used as the convenient trigger for dictator Obama or dictator Hillary to declare martial law.
Comment: While it is true that police state USA is exacerbating racial tensions we would be doing BLM an injustice if we were to paint its existence with one Soros-dipped brush stroke. See this.
With ma and pa neighborhood stores selling made-in-America products long dead now, and America's malls fast becoming dying ghost towns minus a disappearing, once vibrant middle class, times ahead look mighty grim for America. All 133 Target stores in Canada were closed last year and 154 Walmarts in the US are boarded up under contract with Homeland Security, most likely waiting to be reopened when the SHTF as FEMA roundup processing centers. With Obama dropping doom and gloom hints ominously warning Americans to be prepared for impending coming disasters, get ready for a series of rapid fire false flag crises, like a so called massive cyber-hack attack breaching America's bank security declaring on Friday a banker's holiday and inaccessibly frozen ATM's and private bank account assets on Monday.
Or an EMP attack that's been waiting to happen on America's extremely vulnerable power grid that the feds have known about for years but refuse to invest in infrastructure to protect the 90% of Americans who would likely die without electricity within 12 months. Or the highly amplified weaponized cell towers capable of delivering non-thermal, radioactive heat that could fry us in our own backyard neighborhoods. Or the black ops Tesla inspired pulsar weapons technology related to HAARP weather warfare through diabolically staged unnatural disasters like earthquakes, volcanos, tsunamis, floods and droughts, combined with towers that resonate with brain frequencies for massive mind control using heavy metals as EMF conductors from geoengineered chemtrails. Or any fake or real human-made Zika, Ebola or any other virus in the military's vast array that can easily be aerially launched as biological and/or chemical warfare on large swaths of the human population.
Nuclear weapons could begin disappearing in Turkey into unaccounted hands potentially with ISIS fingerprints on them. After all, the US has consistently been the main supplier of terrorists' weapons - always "mysteriously" ending up in their hands. Speaking of weapons and supplies, recent sightings of massive movement of UN military vehicles and weapons in the US have been sighted perfectly timed with recent authorization for UN troop deployment on US soil under backdoor stipulation to "protect" civilians but could just as easily kill us under martial law orders when they come to lock us up and confiscate our guns. Or another flimsily veiled executive order signed on July 1st that authorizes new rules of engagement for deadly drones eradicating declared combatants moving amongst civilian populations that under Obama's loose definition could easily be applied to homegrown civilians believing in the sanctity of our US Constitution and national sovereignty.
Or that enormous pink elephant some call Planet X now moving inside our solar system carrying a barraged projectile of space debris objects up to half mile-wide of meteors, asteroids and comets plunging towards the earth as a potential planetary life extinction event that our government refuses to inform us about. Or the most eminent danger of them all posed by the elite's meticulously planned perfect storm of global economic collapse co-timed with World War III against Russia, China and Iran carrying the very real threat of nuclear annihilation. This growing collection of extremely plausible doomsday scenarios seem as endless as the globalists' war on terror, except the terror being perpetrated on us is nothing short of premeditated human genocide by a Satan worshipping, pedophilia-addicted, trans-human elitist crime cabal syndicate. When history keeps repeating itself, more than convincingly demonstrating that the ruling elite possesses both the criminal means and willful intention to purge 90% of the global population, while enslaving the rest under absolute tyrannical one world government control, it's time to wake up from this nightmare and start fighting back for our very lives.
Comment: See: Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? for some facts about this misnamed and misconstrued cosmic body.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled "Don't Let The Bastards Getcha Down." It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master's degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at:
Reader Comments
Just can not do it.
As for Hillary it's a no brainer.
Excellent collection of facts and associated evildoers.