Air Algerie flight AH1020
© flightradar24The flight path of Air Algerie flight AH1020 as shown by flightradar24
Air Algerie flight AH1020 traveling from Algiers to Marseille returned to Algiers due to a technical problem and landed safely, local media reports. Earlier the plane declared an emergency and subsequently disappeared from radars, prompting panic online.

"Flight AH1020 is currently not tracked by Flightradar24. It's either out of coverage or has already landed," Flightradar24, an internet-based service that shows real-time aircraft flight information said.

The website was also unable to locate the plane. "The flight you're trying to view has landed or is out of range of our tracking network," a message stated.

Later Flightradar24 wrote on the social media platform Twitter that they believe the aircraft is not missing and that the problem was a technical issue.

A source from Air Algerie told RIA Novosti that the aircraft returned to Algiers due to technical glitch and landed safely. It's been reported the plane is a Boeing 737-600.
