In a wonderful YouTube video Dr. Ruth Dwyer examines the Ravenna Mosaics and discovers the mosaics clearly depict "debris from space impacting the Earth".The extreme weather events of 535 - 536 were the most severe and protracted short-term episodes of cooling in the Northern Hemisphere in the last 2,000 years.
The event is thought to have been caused by an extensive atmospheric dust veil, possibly resulting from a large volcanic eruption in the tropics, and/or debris from space impacting the Earth.
Its effects were widespread, causing unseasonal weather, crop failures, and famines worldwide. Plague of Justinian (541 - 542) was a pandemic that afflicted the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, especially its capital Constantinople, the Sassanid Empire, and port cities around the entire Mediterranean Sea.
One of the greatest plagues in history, this devastating pandemic resulted in the deaths of an estimated 25 million (initial outbreak) to 50 million (two centuries of recurrence) people.
Recent investigations relate this severe plague epidemic to extreme weather events of 535 - 536 considered as an example of volcanic winter.
Ravenna is the capital city of the Province of Ravenna, in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy.Ruth Dwyer finds [amongst other things] that the Ravenna Mosaics depict: fiery clouds, shock waves, raining fire and a blue Sun.
It was the capital city of the Western Roman Empire from 402 until that empire collapsed in 476.
It then served as the capital of the Kingdom of the Ostrogoths until it was re-conquered in 540 by the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire.
Afterwards, the city formed the centre of the Byzantine Exarchate of Ravenna until the invasion of the Franks in 751, after which it became the seat of the Kingdom of the Lombards.
Fiery Clouds
Shock Waves
Raining Fire
Blue Sun
Ruth Dwyer also finds that many of these phenomena were documented by contemporary authors.
25. Senator, Praetorian Praefect, to his Deputy Ambrosius, an Illustris.Famine in Italy
[This letter appears to have been written in the early autumn of 538, about a year after the three last letters, and also after Letters 27 and 28, which precede it in order of date, though they follow it in this collection. For an account of the terrible famine in Italy, the beginning of which is here described, see Procopius, De Bello Gotthico ii. 20.]
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and we know a few things related to Justinian's rule - the 'Mandate of Heaven' was not favorable as the Ravenna Mosaics's posit.