Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Poppy youโd be safer in the Kremlin than youโd ever be in Downing Street.
The information level is way too low to leave this un-noticed It is beyond the border of no-damage In term of info it has the ability to take...
"The Cradle - Episode 64 - Israel admits it killed its own on October 7" Yeah! That's progress! Sott should write more articles on their own...
I only use Wiki for stuff like movie info and such.
Something does not add up - the article says: According to the Israeli military, the strike targeted "a key member of Hezbollah's aerial unit."...
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I remember being in elementary school back in the early seventies, when you could walk to school with your friends without your parents getting arrested for not supervising you every step of the way, when playing on the playground at recess didn't get half the kids arrested (or even noticed) for playing "Cowboys and Indians" with all the accompanying "bang bangs", and when a child did something considered wrong they got sent to the principal's office for a "time out" instead of getting dragged out of class in cuffs or expelled or any of these other ridiculous over reactions to normal childhood behaviors. Ah, the good old days!