Billionaire "democracy promoter" and certified slimebag George Soros uses every opportunity to accuse Putin of (magically) creating the Syrian refugee crisis, as part of his so-called master scheme to "destabilize Europe". But not everyone is on board with George's claptrap.
Hungary's prime minister, Victor Orban, blames Soros for the crisis:
The Hungarian Prime Minister has lashed out at billionaire George Soros, criticizing the support he has expressed towards refugees from the Middle East heading to Europe, saying that he undermines stability on the continent.One has to admire Orban's tell-it-like-it-is attitude, which is certainly making him no friends in Brussels:
"[Soros] is perhaps the strongest example of those who support anything that weakens nation states, they support everything that changes the traditional European lifestyle," Orban said in an interview on public radio station Kossuth, according to Bloomberg. "These activists who support immigrants inadvertently become part of this international human-smuggling network."Orban might be hinting at something a bit more sinister than Soros "just" advocating for Europe to open its doors to floods of migrants. According to Europe's criminal intelligence agency, "at least 10,000 unaccompanied child refugees have disappeared after arriving in Europe. Many are feared to have fallen into the hands of organised trafficking syndicates," i.e., are now slaves.
We're not saying anything. We're just saying that George Soros is a creep.
Your move, Europe.
Comment: More than a creep: Soros exhibits all the traits of psychopathy. See more: