If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.
There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful.
Trump has pledged not to cut Social Security benefits for seniors Except if you're over the age of 140 ☠️🤣
I think DOGE, after it completes it overall review of Government agencies, needs to audit ALL of the elected and non-elected government officials....
Zelensky is on his last legs. However, it is curious that the EU is standing behind him, because of shared "values". In my view, the Ukraine was a...
Why Saudi Arabia? What is the context? In Trump's first term he went to Saudi Arabia and performed in a traditional "sword dance". In one of his...
cross breeding i should say
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Reader Comments
I do not like the coincidences and forecasts like that even done by myself.
It started as comments I started putting here and there as soon as the first attack came Nov.14th.
Resume I made in Saturday was [Link]
Then came Sunday...
1. Donbass guys published an article Nov.11th where they analyzed this year developments in Ukraine and forecasted escalation in EU. Use www.translate.ru (google sucks) upon
It is mostly about Ukrainian civil war but here and there they draw conclusions for Europe there.
I was laughing how far the draw conclusions - until three days later.
2. Pattern:
a: 9/11 -> Iraq war
b: Moscow blasts -> Second Chechen War
c: Paris blasts -> ???
Remember Charles De Gaulle air carrier sailed to Syria just few days before it. It can join the war on Syrian anti-American side or on American anti-Syrian side. Would terrorist attack - and its MSM attribution - influence the choice?
Would France eventually send International Legion to Syria, leaving the homeland almost without trained and equipped military?
Would France firmly decide to keep guys close motherland?
That call can be influenced by how MSM would recreate the terrorists attack
3. 07 Jan 2014 -> Charli Hebdo attack. Few days later Kiev an all-out attack on Donetsk, that went below radar as media was saturated with Paris tragedy. All the November there are news of Kiev amassing army in Donbass yet again. Even Deutch Welle gave Poroshenko a run about OSCE reports showing that. OSCE SMM is run by OUN(M) follower, so he is sympathetic with pro-OUN(B) Kiev regime. If even such an OSCE cannot avoid reporting military amassing by Kiev - then it should be really huge.
Well, this forecast did not materialized (yet?) - while fighting erupts here and there in Donbass no large-scale offensive reported yet.
4. Marine Le Pen in recent surveys proved to get #1 popularity in France. Such a tragedy would force her to commit to some fixed position, either to set herself hardliner or a dove. So MSM would get a fixed target to shoot at. Either she would be marked a "crazy Nazi" or a "weakling and traitor". This is what is being done to Putin repeatedly. Marine preferred to take a hard stance "FN : Le Pen demande l'expulsion des étrangers fichés pour leurs liens avec l'islam radical". Now mainstream politicians would be able to take most topics from her while still positioning themselves "reasonable middle ground"
5. Clear EuroMaidan patterns were used. Euromaidan-1 only leaved for 3 weeks, Euromaidan-2 (partially overlapping) was very unpopular initially, lead by three politicians of incompatible positioning and huge anti-rating. To fan the flames repeatedly was used the same pattern:
a. Friday evening - someone reported arrested/beaten/crippled/killed - to instill a shock and fear.
b. Weekends - MSM non-stop keeps threatening and frightening commoners, making them enraged fear-driven irrational haters.
It was always done in Friday evening to make full use of Weekends. Never in working days when people would be busy and the fear would be preempted from their minds by routine tasks.
When the "ISIS attack" came I thought that whoever did it needs driving people crazy and irrational much faster than it was OK for Kiev, so probably it would be not MSM alone, but also some real - but significantly lesser - tragedies. That was my forecast made on Friday.
Saturday came with TGV crash. But it was not the last accident! Fear in people had to be recharged with some tragedy in Sunday evening so people would go to Sunday/Monday night exhausted and hopeless. So, was there yet another accident in Sunday evening? Yes, about 16:00 the relative of a celebrity Lars Diarr was murdered as well.
Well, it is close to what marketing calls fear-uncertainty-doubt attack. Every single accident has a plausible deniability and there is nothing to disprove the coincidence theory. But people have gut feeling of working over thin ice and expecting unpredictable and murderous blow from any angle. When repeated enough, such weekends turn them into irrational and hate-driven puppets mob.