Donetsk school
© ReutersClassroom windows were shattered in the attack on the playground of Donetsk's school number 57 on the first day of classes in 2014
We, CyberBerkut‬, finally have undeniable evidence of the use of artillery against women and children by troops controlled by Ukrainian Government! This is from back in March.

We, CyberBerkut!, continue to denounce the Ukrainian fascist regime. This time, from computer networks of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of ‪Ukraine‬, we extracted the package tactical documents. Among the large number of encrypted messages about moving and reconnaissance troops of the Ukrainian State, there were ‪‎documents‬ that contained data about the objectives on the territories of the ‪‎DPR‬ and ‪‎LPR‬, and orders for their immediate suppression by artillery fire.

Nevertheless, given the fact that on operational maps the numbering of the squares of X and Y is always applied in a chaotic manner with the aim of concealing information about the attacker's purposes - until the last moment we could not determine the real goals that Kiev gave the order to destroy.

However, in early September 2015 we finally managed to get shots of several operational maps, which "deployed" the artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the winter of 2014-2015.
cyber berkut

cyber berkut
Among the cards, given the coincidence of all specified parameters from the source document - we can surely 99.9% establish the fact from the following document that Ukrainian gunners used the map sheet (M-37-136,137 L-37-4,5) in scale 1:25,000. Thus, using the actual numbering of the axes X and Y are specified in the "Ukrainian" document "Stabi NFP, the headquarters of Illegal Armed (Zbrojnych) Units" are the following objects:

The PURPOSE 2801:
1) real coordinates: X = 05325220, Y = 07405178; 2) object address: Donetsk, St. Luzina, 71 (D. Collective, 1), Gymnasium # 41;

The PURPOSE 2802:
1) real coordinates: X = 05325351, Y = 07406653; 2) object address: Donetsk, St. warriors, 34, School No. 74;

The PURPOSE 2803:
1) real coordinates: X = 05325731, Y = 07409463; 2) object address: Donetsk, Partizanskiy, 68A, School # 58;

The PURPOSE 2804:
1) real coordinates: X = 05326077, Y = 07409433; 2) object address: ‪‎Donetsk‬, street of the Annunciation, 3, School # 117;

We know that, for ‪‎Europe‬ and USA, the residents and children of ‪‎Donbass‬ are not human!

We realize that for Europe and European values, one drowned and washed up on the shore of the sea 3-year-old Syrian boy causes more pity than hundreds of innocent dead children of Donbass! But we can't understand the fact that sergeants, officers, public and political figures of the Ukrainian State still hope that the justice, the vengeance of the people and a tight noose around their necks - will pass them by! ‪War‬ criminals will be punished! And we, like all other defenders of Donbass, will fight with the fascist vermin to the victorious end! Until the end of the last ‪‎Nazi‬, murderer and war criminal!

Download the archive with screenshots of all documents.

We are CyberBerkut! We will not forget! We will not forgive!

Fort Russ with Nina Kouprianova (Edits by