Organizers of the "Fight for 15"campaign, which began in November 2012 and then spread to hundreds of cities and "33 countries on 6 continents," expect Thursday's actions to take place in 190 cities at fast-food chain restaurants like McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's, as well as major airports like John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.
Hundreds marching through the loop, demanding dignity and a living wage. #strikefastfood pic.twitter.com/KzkwG5fKrB- ROC-Chicago (@rocchicago) December 4, 2014
In Los Angeles: "Hold the burgers, hold the fries, make our wages super-sized!" #StrikeFastFood #FightFor15 pic.twitter.com/xeddjFVGzS- SEIU (@SEIU) December 4, 2014
Happening now in #chicago! #homecare15 #StrikeFastFood #15AndAUnion pic.twitter.com/771347zSyk- IL HC Fight for 15 (@IL_homecareff15) December 4, 2014
According to the Economic Policy Institute, the minimum wage in the US would be more than $18 had it "grown at the same rate as average wages or total economy productivity.
Pre-dawn strike line at StL @Hardees on Hampton #StrikeFastFood pic.twitter.com/LvZsURWkp7- MOJobsWithJustice (@MOJwJ) December 4, 2014
#strikefastfood https://t.co/DSjKPOgHOr- mindy isser (@mindyisser) December 4, 2014
#Airport workers are out today to stand with brothers & sisters working in fast food in their #fightfor15 #Solidarity pic.twitter.com/i2nl1G7jSf- Fast Food Forward (@FastFoodForward) December 4, 2014
MEMPH15 "what we make is too damn low" #StrikeFastFood pic.twitter.com/6h1tZ0y7PP
- Show Me $15 (@Show_Me15) December 4, 2014
#fastfoodstrike #MyHungerGames pic.twitter.com/c10tzNqIwT
- Anna Zivarts (@annazivarts) December 4, 2014
Airport worker Rashad G. in Miramar, FL: "We can't wait for higher wages. The landlord WON'T wait." #StrikeFastFood pic.twitter.com/dH90xyEVvo
- SEIU (@SEIU) December 4, 2014