On Aug. 27, 2014 a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)1 publicly admitted2 that he and other CDC officials, including the current CDC's Director of Immunization Safety 3, 4 published a study about MMR vaccine safety in 20045 that "omitted statistically significant information" and "did not follow the final study protocol. "He said the study "omitted relevant findings in a particular study for a particular sub group for a particular vaccine" and added that "there have always been recognized risks for vaccination" and "it is the responsibility for the CDC to properly convey [vaccine] risks."

CDC: A History of Limiting Transparency

We couldn't agree more. CDC officials should not be in the business of deliberately withholding information from the public about vaccine risks that may be greater for some children than other children.6 Unfortunately, CDC officials have a long history of limiting transparency7, 8 and being less than honest with the American people about what it does and does not know about vaccine risks.9, 10

Last July, a RAND Corporation study commissioned and funded by DHHS was published proclaiming that vaccines "are very safe."11 What was not made clear to the public was that the study was designed and peer reviewed by high-level CDC officials, including the CDC's Director of Immunization Safety.12

This is a big problem for parents being ordered to give their children every government recommended vaccine - no exceptions and no questions asked.13,14

NVIC Calls on Congress to Take Action on DHHS Conflicts of Interest

Today, the National Vaccine Information Center is renewing our call for oversight of vaccine safety to be removed from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).15

It is a conflict of interest for DHHS to be in charge of vaccine safety and also license vaccines,16 and take money from drug companies to fast track vaccines,17 and partner with drug companies to develop and share profits from vaccine sales,18 and make national vaccine policies19 that get turned into state vaccine laws20 while also deciding which children will and will not get a vaccine injury compensation award.21, 22

That is too much power for one federal agency. That is putting the fox in charge of guarding the chicken coop.

Vaccination Can Cause Brain Inflammation and Injury

Especially when it has been known since the first vaccine for smallpox that vaccination can cause brain inflammation23, 24 25, 26, 27 and a wide spectrum of brain injury symptoms, like developmental delays and disabilities.28, 29, 30

It is very telling that Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court have declared that vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe" and completely shielded drug companies from vaccine injury lawsuits.31, 32 In America, if you or your child gets hurt by a vaccine, you can't hold anyone who developed, regulated, recommended, marketed, mandated, administered, or profits from the vaccine accountable in a civil court of law in front of a jury of your peers.

Parents Concerns About Vaccine Safety Legitimate

The recent statement by a CDC senior scientist admitting that vaccine risk data is being withheld from the public is just one more piece of evidence that parents' questions and concerns about vaccine safety are legitimate.

Congress should act now and take vaccine safety monitoring away from DHHS.

The health of our children is at stake.

Contact Your U.S. Senator and Representative

Contact your U.S. Senator and Representative today and tell them you want something done about conflicts of interest in the nation's vaccination system.33,34 If your child's health has been harmed by vaccination, tell them about that too.

Go to NVIC.org and learn more about making informed vaccine decisions and protecting your informed consent rights.

It's your health. Your family. Your choice.
