© Honestreporting.comBritain's Guardian Newspaper demonstrates a deep-seated pro-Israel bias by running a hateful and hopelessly slanted ad that other papers have rejected.
A major UK-based newspaper has come under attack for its pro-Israeli bias after publishing a widely-censured ad paid for by a Zionist group that accused Palestinian resistance group Hamas of "child sacrifice."

Britain's Guardian newspaper has been accused of pro-Israel bias after publishing a widely condemned advertisement paid for by Jewish group This World: The Values Network, which accused Hamas of "child sacrifice."

The pro-Israeli advertisement sponsored was previously run in US-based dailies, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post but had been rejected byThe Times in London.

Explaining its rejection of the controversial ad, The Times of London said, "The opinion being expressed is too strong and too forcefully made and will cause concern amongst a significant number of Times readers."

The ad, headlined: "Jews rejected child sacrifice 3,500 years ago. Now it's Hamas turn," was written by famous Zionist and pro-Israeli publicist Elie Wiesel, often boasted as a Nobel Peace Laureate and Holocaust survivor.

"In my own lifetime," Wiesel claimed, "I have seen Jewish children thrown into the fire. And now I have seen Muslim children used as human shields."

The Zionist publicist went as far as demanding Palestinians "to find true Muslims to represent them, Muslims who would never voluntarily put a child in danger."

After publishing the ad in its Monday edition, The Guardian reported that it had received 140 complaints from readers and pro-Palestinian activists. The following day it carried a letter jointly signed by leading campaigners.

"We write to condemn the decision to print a wildly inaccurate and inflammatory advert from supporters of the state of Israel branding the Palestinian resistance as 'child killers,'" wrote campaigners including MPs, journalists, peace advocates and pro-Palestinian Jewish activists.

"This is especially sickening when Israel's latest bombardment of Gaza has killed close to 400 Palestinian children," the letter underlined.

"Sadly, the decision to print this advert... is another sign of the increasingly pro-Israeli bias of the Guardian's editorial policy," it added.