The incident began at about 10:20 a.m. Tuesday in Langley, B.C., when a female passenger began fighting with a bus driver over her non-payment of the bus fare.
"The woman was using profane language causing the complainant, along with other passengers to ask her to stop swearing. There were several children on the bus in addition to the complainant's own three children," B.C. RCMP spokesperson, Cpl. Holly Marks, said in a statement.
Warning: Strong language
Police say the woman then allegedly threatened to kill the complaining passenger and her three children, before throwing a drink at the youngest child, a boy who is less than a year old.
The two women then started fighting, which another bus passenger began filming mid-way through.
"Don't f - ing touch my kids!" the mother screams as she unloads punch after punch at the suspect, who is trapped on her back across two bus seats. "You f - ing b-tch! You'll f - ing kill me, will you?"
Then, a person who appears to be the bus driver enters the frame and does not physically break up the fight, but says something, and the two women separate.
Police say the two women exited the bus but the suspect then allegedly chased after the mother, who was walking towards the Willowbrook Shopping Centre.
"The suspect ran after her and produced a knife, knocked over the complainant's daughter (four years old) and kicked her other daughter (two years old) in the back," Marks said.
The suspect's description was broadcast to police and one officer recognized her and a 43-year-old woman was arrested soon afterwards.
Police recommended charges of assault, assault with a weapon and uttering threats.
The toddler had a mark from the kick, but was not otherwise injured. The mother was also not seriously injured.
Seems we find mirror images of ourselves when we least expect it. Did that stressed out non-paying customer think a city bus is full on non-stressed people? And later, did she seriously think that a follow-up attack would complete her day? Something tells me this non-paying, insult spewing, woman isn't a mother of young children having to ride the public bus and dealing with people like herself regularly. Good thing it was Canada and not the USofA, as there may have been a pile-on just to release some stress, as most of the other riders could very likely think (like Deniro in Taxi Driver) that those insults are directed at them... "YOU TALKIN TO ME?!"