One of the diet rules we all "know" is that salt is bad for us. So why is real salt so important? Can it be a key to health recovery?

Salt was one of the earliest trade items and helped establish trade routes and villages all over the world. It was often used as money.

Salt was traditionally used to preserve food. It's value was in allowing meats and vegetables to be salted and stored for later consumption, a huge advantage over having to hunt and gather fresh food all the time. Neanderthals mined salt, as well as ancient Chinese.

Real salt is the dried mineral residue from clean ocean waters. There are deep salt deposits on most continents where oceans dried up eons ago and left huge salt deposits behind. There are also natural salt springs that come out of the earth, and the water is collected and evaporated. Both salt mines and salt springs were important in establishing trade centers.

The way to collect fresh "new" salt is to evaporate ocean water from a clean area of the ocean. Sea water is collected in everything from clay pans to vast wooden deck enclosures, where it is repeatedly turned and left to dry by the heat of the sun.

Variances in local minerals, clays and water composition give rise to different colors and flavors of salt. The famous Himalayan Salt (yes, from high up in the Himalayan Mountains!) is pink. You can find gray, black, and red salt too.

Industrial uses of salt

Modern salt is manufactured primarily for industrial uses. Purified sodium chloride is both a by-product of industry and a component of manufacturing. Only about 5 or 10% of commercial salt is sold as edible salt (such as Morton's). This sodium chloride is the "salt" that is dangerous. It has been highly heated in its manufacturing and purification process, and has been chemically treated to remove "impurities" - i.e., all the other minerals.

Morton's and other sodium chloride products have added ingredients to make the salt flow. (When it rains, it pours!) These contain aluminum and other toxic chemicals.

Real, evaporated, solar salt is a mineral tonic, containing every mineral on the planet. It contains all the electrolytes. It has never been heated, except by the sun. Animals have a strong instinct for salt and will eagerly locate and crowd around salt licks.

Commercial salt contains only purified sodium chloride plus the flowing agents, and added iodine. The sodium and the chloride are bonded into one molecule by the high heat purification process. Real salt, dried by the sun's heat, does not fuse minerals together. They remain in their loose covalent state found in the ocean.

When does salt need to be eliminated or reduced?

Since we cannot "digest" fused commercial salt minerals, it is toxic to us, and our bodies will intuitively hold extra water in our veins to dilute it. This is the theory behind diuretics for high blood pressure. Force the body to urinate away that pesky extra water, and the heart won't have to pump so hard to move the blood around. And, we are told to stop eating all salt.

Studies show that only 1/3 to 1/2 of hypertensives are salt sensitive and would benefit in any way from reducing sodium. There is no test for this, so doctors just tell all patients to stop all salt. But it's the commercial toxic salt that we cannot break down. Change from proccessed salt to real salt and it should help your high blood pressure.

Salt contains important minerals for the adrenal glands and all their many functions. One of the first things I do with new client is put them on Premier Research Labs Pink Salt - a blend of Hawaiian and Mediterranean sun-dried salts. I do this for two reasons. First, to encourage them to get rid of other toxic salt in the home, including bouillon cubes and seasoning mixes. Secondly, to get some real salt in to feed those weak adrenals.

Order or buy your food salt-free, and add a pinch of your own Pink Salt. I carry mine in a tiny plastic bag which fits right in a credit card slot in my wallet.