Consciousness means, literally, "knowing-together." A development of consciousness would therefore mean knowing "more together," and so it would bring about a new relationship to everything previously known. For to know more always means to see things differently.
tantamount to blackmail.....and with the population succumbing, the ministry will get it's way it seems . . [Link]
This is one of those articles that makes me say, what is the world coming to? And there is no easy answer.
The EU should be careful what it wishes for. Nuclear devices don't need to be super massive, with a good communication system, an unstoppable...
So-called Israel is a „rogue state”.
obviously they want to escalate this before the election, they just keep pushing and pushing
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Our forefathers wanted our Nation to be free of a dictator that is why there are checks and balances set forth in our Constitution of the United States. To protect us from a leader that thinks he can weld a pen and make happen without any discussion with our government bodies of Congress and the Senate.
Mr. President, I do not like what I am hearing here. One man, making choices for we the people. NoWay
Our school system is filled with social engineering and needed help long before you ever took office. The Dept. of Education is not training our kids to meet life on a fare ground because their text books are full of lies, facts hidden from us by everything being classified and/or some threat to National Security.
How can kids be trained for jobs when they have been all outsourced to other countries?
Why don't you share the truth of the matter which is there are no differences between Republican or Democrat. That it is a game played on us dumbed down American's that think our votes count.
If you want to do right by the people Mr. President I suggest you begin telling us the truth of what is really going on not make one-man choices welding a pen and power like a dictator...... WE THE PEOPLE who are the ones you and the congress, senate all the legislative bodies are working for and paying your salaries. I do not like what I am hearing here on this little powerful vid one iota.
"Are we in a Dictatorship?"
A really concerned Citizen of the USA.