Joe Bastardi graph
© Joe Bastardi
I'm late this time around with meteorologist Joe Bastardi's Saturday Summary (4/20). If you haven't seen it, then do take the few minutes to do so. He has a short outlook for the coming years.

He starts by showing the global temperature for the last 4 years: " can see the fall that is occurring; it's very plain to see".

Image left: Snapshot of Joe Bastardi's Saturday Summary (4/20).

Of course four years do not make a trend. But they do come after 11 years of stagnation. After 11 years of no warming, one would think the warming would finally resume. Instead just the opposite has occurred - and it has been cooling amazingly fast (almost 0.4ยฐC) - thus completely defying the models. Boy, the oceans must have one big appetite!

If the last four years had seen warming, all the alarmists would be jumping up and down right now, hollering that global warming has resumed and that we're all doomed.

I've seen some outrageous statements being made lately, just simply denying the facts that the previous 12, 13 years have been level. And now you see it falling off. This is because the Pacific Decadal Oscillation has flipped. Though there are much more important things facing our country today, and facing the globe in general, this issue has really been blown out of proportion compared to the importance of some other things. In my opinion, even though I'm involved in it, you might think: 'You get a lot of attention, why are you trying to downplay it?' Because it's a joke! Alright, the global temperatures respond to the sun, the ocean, the large-scale drivers, and not to the other things.

If you just watch as an objective person, if you watch over the coming years, you'll see this trend continue. Just like you can't deny it was going up when the oceans were warming up in the 80s - from the very cold levels of the 60s and 70s - you can't deny that it's going down now."

Are Rob Honeycutt and his buddy Dana listening?

Last I heard is that they've turned to blaming the oceans for eating up all the lost warming. Unfortunately for them, the bet was on RSS and UAH trends, and not the temperature down somewhere in the ocean depths.

They shouldn't take it too hard, though, because it's for charity. And besides, it should come to them as a relief that the world isn't going to burn up like they thought (or hoped?) it would.