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"Whatever happens today, you can't put this genie back in the bottle - oxfordgirl." I remember watching these words real-time on Jun 12 2009, and knowing just how undeniably true they were. Something was about to happen that was going to change the nature of reality and perception on this planet in ways that only a handful of us on Earth could even conceive. The next generation of mind control was about to manifest itself in a faraway land, and I knew as well as the creators themselves did, that the era of Virtual Reality 2.0 was about to begin.
For ages they prepared for this event. Months and months of planning, preparation, and testing went into the grand illusion that was about to 'spring' to life. On Jun 12 2009 it wasn't even a blip in US consciousness yet, but Iran was about to hold a Presidential Election and this small band of rebel technologists planned on turning in their favor. The methods and means they intended to use in this endeavor were nothing short of astonishing. Through perception management, disinformation, video manipulation, manufactured false reality, cyber warfare, and remote managed civil disobedience, this band was fully prepared to and intent on taking over a country.
The final and central piece of this operation was a communications platform you all know very well and use every day. The global, open, instantaneous communications network that Twitter has become would be the vehicle to control the operation and deliver propaganda to the media and the public. Video, graphics, website design, and disinformation were all prepared months in advance, as were the tools to enlist the unwitting cooperation of the masses.
Once set in motion this elaborate plan to gain the support of people worldwide was intended to grow organically through appealing to and manipulating the genuine and humanitarian desires and instincts of the people, while using them as cover for their true intentions. To this very moment, it has continued to do just that.
This experimental grand delusion operation was the prototype and foundation of a great many things that today, three years later, are accepted globally as reality. Everything you know and believe about the 'Arab Spring', everything you know and believe about the 'Occupy Movement', and everything you know and believe about 'Anonymous' came from and is rooted in this operation. Every single bit of these manufactured realities, from the "V" for Victory sign, the Guy Fawkes masks, the adaptation of "Allah Akbar" chants, the "World is Watching" mantra, the "We Are Legion" slogan, the "Expect Us" warning, the organized global civil disobedience, and now ubiquitous cyber war, all stems from this one operation like the base of a oak tree. There is no more separation between any of these things or any of these operations masquerading as 'spontaneous grassroots uprisings' than there is between the trunk of a tree and its many varied branches.
To understand the #iranElection operation is to understand the whole.
As the manufactured 'Arab Spring' has marched across the Middle East toppling governments in Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, and Libya, and as operations continue in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bahrain, Myanmar, and many others, the original goal of the #IranElection prototype (destabilization and regime change) has manifested itself over and over with exponentially increasing destruction, death, and deception. The Occupy, Anarchy, and Anonymous subdivisions of this operation have caused untold destruction and divisions across Europe and the US as this operation methodically turns governments against their people and people against their governments, just as they turn Sunni against Shi'a and Shi'a against Sunni across the Middle East. This global remote-control puppetry continues to train myriad divisions of false-flag terrorist groups responsible for unspeakable acts as the usual suspects are scapegoated without any validation whatsoever, as mainstream media remains little more than the propaganda wing of the operation, offering no critical analysis of the ongoing fraud.
It is well past time that the people of this planet awaken to this delusion, the puppeteers, and the ever evolving false-reality construct. Once one understands the foundation of this operation and the origination of its familiar tactics, the mystery, anonymity, and confusion about these so-called 'leaderless' uprisings evaporates, leaving just the original operatives and their consistent and obvious motives. If you're prepared to understand the reality of this 3-year false-reality campaign, continue down the rabbit hole
here and
But, besides the fact that I don't use Twitter and never have, I'm tired of this.
This is a beautiful example of deductive logic, and I have no doubt that most of this guy's hunches are correct.
But he does not name a single insider, a single live, living, honest person willing to stand up and admit that this story of deception is true and accurate. Can any real opposition to what is going on exist if no one is willing to stand as an actual being? If everyone can hide their true identity behind their avatar?
I'm tired of being led down "rabbit holes." Perhaps the key to understanding our situation is to rise above it, out of our rabbit holes and into the glaring sunlight!
I think the hiders are afraid of what would happen. And though in some ways you could say that they have reason to be, in other ways it is this exact fear that has kept most of us slaves since not long after we first got into the habit of picking up meat bodies.
If people really want freedom, they have to be willing to confront what that really means as a matter of personal and social experience. It means that you WILL piss others off some times. Can we learn to deal with this eventuality, or not?
If I get angry some day at some petty little piece of deceit I discover and say the "wrong thing" to the "wrong person," will I lose my job? Or will people get over it? And if you aren't willing to loudly quit a group being run or controlled by a psychopath, then how much freedom do you think you deserve?
We have a lot to learn about freedom. But we can only learn more about it by reaching for it. It's not that easy. I personally find it a bit scary. But I do hope that we can manage it; it would make a big difference.