Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Some democrats are afraid to reveal what they had for breakfast, in case it is used against them in some way!
It's only useful for information that can't be easily politicised or distorted - otherwise, the bias is often very obvious.
No plastic in his brain?
Drew Donaldson has angered Zeus!
There's that darn Bull figure again. Keeps popping up all over the place. I wonder if the text on the coin is decipherable?
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Reader Comments
I thought the NRA was about defending all of our constitutional rights until a neighbor proved me wrong. There was a peaceful protest against the war in Iraq and this person rejected the right to assemble. A NRA official defended his action which can be read about here
I never gave the NRA another dime although I certainly support the constitution, the amendments and the bill of rights.
Why would they not support the right to assemble?
election ploy? Fewer votes for Obama. More votes for the psychopath who "opposes" him? Bringing up gun rights is the same as bringing up gay marriage or abortion or birth control. All the people with only a half neuron firing get up in arms while those with 2 neurons firing look on in disbelief.... Sadly. There are way too many people with only a half neuron firing.
So you all haven't realized that the point of these current republicans is to seem retarded so Obama will get re elected? Come on now lets step back and just open our eyes slightly more. It's stupidly obvious to me, and watching people argue over trivial shit is exactly what the writers of these articles want, and what anyone who speaks negatively about any other person wants. They want to get people to argue, when there isn't shit to argue about if the truth is being told. Your constitution isn't going anywhere, and neither are your gun rights. How long have you been talking about not being able to carry guns anymore? How many years has it been now? Come on, wake up. This is our country, stop letting the news make you think it's not. It doesn't matter what acts get passed or what laws pass. Do what you have always done, and be decent to others. Nothing will change except your mind state, which they are succeeding at doing exponentially these days. Come on. Wake up.
In denial?
in the spring of 2009, there was a concerted effort by the nra to attempt to sway their members to believe the 2nd amendment would be stripped bare by newly elected/ sworn in obomber and his minions... all it did was sell more guns and ammo, of course all the while driving gun values through the roof... after that charade was shown to be what it was- a false fear warning- the guns values and associated prices fell back down to "normal" levels, and have not appreciably moved since... and concerning an amerikans "obsession" with guns, quoting Luke... I buy, sell and trade guns as a part time business, and it's been very lucrative for me... I'm also an avid shooter, and enjoy teaching and showing others the same
btw- the revolution is coming... better stock up on .223 (5.56mm) ammo and semi-autos folks