"I was looking at images after the flight that showed a blood red creek and was thinking, could this really be what I think it is? Can you really do that, surely not?" the pilot tells sUAS News. "Whatever it is, it was flat out gross. Then comes the question of who do I report this to that can find out what it is and where it is coming from."
The pilot, who has asked to remain anonymous, was put in touch with the Texas Environmental Crimes Task Force, who began monitoring the plant for violations. "Any time there is some type of discharge into the Trinity River... especially from an environmental standpoint, this is a real concern," Health and Human Services chief Zach Thompson told sUAS News. "I think they discovered a secondary pipe again is my understanding, so the question is who installed the pipe and why was it there."
The drone hobbyist says he captured the footage from the plant using only a point and shoot camera and a $75 airframe.
Source: sUAS News
We live in a unbelievably decadent age when those things that are unspeakably abominable become commonly accepted as standard every day affairs. Animals are being slaughtered by the millions (The gentle Cow is our mother, for the gift of her 'Milk') with no consideration of the horrendous pain and suffering they must endure. We are even engaged in the massive slaughter of our own unborn children as if this murderous crime was of no more significance than blowing our noses and throwing away the tissue paper. People wonder why there is so much pain, terrorism, and economic devastation in the world. The answer is very simple. If we continue like this living in gross violation of the laws of God and the laws of nature, we must pay the price because what goes around comes around. We receive the good and bad reactions of our pious and impious activities.