© Guardian
In another ridiculous moment of political trickery, Obama managed to dupe a major chunk of the American environmental movement yesterday by refusing to authorize the construction of the Keystone Pipeline now.
The keyword in that sentence which seems like it is being largely ignored by the enviros is now, because what Obama did do is leave open the possibility of authorizing the construction of a pipeline any time in the future, say just after the election? And not that it matters much, as pipeline or not Tar Sands are already being refined all across the United States in increasing amounts. This great victory being celebrated by 350.org, Bill Mckibben and the no carbon crusaders out there is a complete farce to manipulate voters as we head into the latest corporate sponsored election.
Why is it so hard for seemingly good and well intentioned people to see the reality in front of them? Climate change will not be reversed by temporarily stopping this pipeline and Tar Sands are still moving forward full steam ahead. The Petrolarchs will get their Tar Sands Oil to market anyway they can pipeline or not. As was widely reported in the mainstream media, the state department made sure to leave the door open for Trans Canada to go ahead with another proposal for the construction of the pipeline. Trans Canada says they are preparing to start construction on schedule, knowing full well that this is already a done deal. Is it Obama's nurturing language that fools them? "The rushed and arbitrary deadline insisted on by Congressional Republicans prevented a full assessment of the pipeline's impact, especially the health and safety of the American people, as well as our environment," Obama said. How many times will these well intentioned people allow themselves to be fooled? It seems that many of these good folks often get swept away by the feel good headlines and rarely read beyond the first two paragraphs of an article. Obama should be thanking the idiot republicans for this one, as it was a good way to rally a part of his most gullible base.
The celebration is on as headlines of "Obama Rejects Keystone Pipeline" shoot across the screens, and Mckibben, like a good little foot soldier isn't missing a beat to rally the troops around the HOPE inspiring president. The Rockefeller front group and its flock rally to the news of Obama coming through in the clutch. They talk of tar sands and coal and fracking and the carbon foot print but never a mention of the "safe and clean" nuclear power from these folks. The very real dangers of our decrepit and crumbling nuclear power industry aren't on Bill Mckibben's radar screen it seems and just as with his buddy Al Gore, the issue of carbon seems solely on the radar superficially, maybe as a way to sell more books? One has to wonder.
It's not at all difficult to dissect the situation here. Tar Sands is quite arguably the most destructive extraction of resources ever unleashed by man and it is wreaking havoc in the tar fields of Alberta Canada, where once intact and beautiful ecosystems are being ravaged. The Oil Industry which is a major share holder in our political establishment, is making a lot of money off this mess. Tar Sands are being refined all over the United States with major expansions ready to be implemented that will further increase the capacity of the United States to work with its halfwitted cousin Canada in the furthering of Tar Sands exploitation. The Keystone XL will be a part of this destructive web and Obama has put it on hold until the next election.
As outlined by Tom McDonnell in his December 15th
Mother Jones article "
There's No Hiding From Tar Sands Oil" , with or without the pipeline, Tar Sands extraction is intensifying and expanding. In Toledo and outside of Chicago, billion dollar expansions of BP refineries are set to refine this crap and spew CO2s and extremely toxic byproducts laden with heavy metals and sulfur into the air, land and water around these facilities which are celebrated by the local Democratic Party Machines and the likes of congresswoman Marcy Kaptur. The ever more ridiculous liberals celebrate their elected leaders as progressive saint like figures leading us to the land of growth and prosperity while protecting our environment through working in partnership with industry and regulators to make sure all is done in compliance with unenforced regulations. Obama is now billed as a hero by the likes of Bill Mckibben who tweeted yesterday that: "the president acted decisively and bravely - and he listened to people, not money. a good day".
Those who point out the truth about what is happening here are ridiculed, called unloving, unrealistic, haters. We are told to join the team or shut up. We are told we think to much and need to open our hearts. We are chastised and told that if the republicans get in then that pipeline will really be a reality and we are told that this pipeline is the key to stopping Tar Sands refining. None of it is true. Many of these same people, when confronted with the reality of the National Defense Authorization act deny completely that Obama signed indefinite detention into law. They say that we are liars trying to defame their mythological god of hope. They say that the ACLU is full of crap. They are in the worst form of denial.
The Rockefellers and Obama have found a new front man in Bill Mckibben it seems. All 350.org will do is spread the word to its minions about this single issue while continuing to ignore the grim reality of the Tar Sands that are already being refined all across this country, the dangers of Nuclear Power and a whole host of energy fiascos. It was all set up to pull in the most gullible of the Big environmental groups under one big tent of blinded voters. America is really lost and it is doubtful that it will ever find its way. Bill Moyers recently said that "one of the biggest changes in my lifetime is that the delusional is no longer marginal. It has come in from the fringe, to sit at the seat of power in the Oval Office and in Congress," and thanks to the likes of the delusional environmentalists that continue to uphold this system, this reality will be difficult to remedy. Hopefully Bill Mckibben won't prove to be as naive as he seems and will lead his new found flock in a more resistant direction than rubber stamping the delusional reality that he is so far only feeding.
Michael Leonardi is a writer and an activist he is currently living and working in Toledo, Ohio and can be reached at mikeleonardi@hotmail.com
my grandmother used to say:
'mother earth always has the last word'
with all the gas and oil coming out of the earth, we are in trouble already, it is the lubricant which keeps the plates moving effortless over the mantel ????