In an interesting move, the Washington State Republican Party is asking for your personal contact information and presidential preference (read "straw poll") through an online form, but also wants to know how you identify yourself. Republican? Progressive? Conservative? Liberal? Libertarian? Democrat?
The results of the presidential straw poll, according to Kirby Wilbur, will be released the day before the Iowa Caucus.
Will Rob McKenna, Slade Gorton or Sam Reed correctly identify themselves as "liberal"? We don't think so.
Based on all available experience, it is much more likely that (under the guise of improving their communications) this is a two spear effort to
1. influence the Iowa results and
2. "out" Washington state's Ron Paul voters in advance of the March 3 state caucuses.
In 2008 forcing Ron Paul supporters to wear self-identification "labels" was the one of the first three tactics used in the 'STAR OF DAVID' strategy to vilify them with slander, take away their ability to respond by eliminating speech and forcibly mark them for banishment.
The straw poll of March 3 (read: stating presidential preference at caucus registration) occurs just three days before "Super Tuesday" and the results will be a hot media item.
Anyone unwary enough to fill out the poll and identify themselves as anything but "Republican" can be sure they will encounter "resistance" at their March 3 precinct (or pooled) caucus. Bet on it.
They Could Refuse To Allow You To Participate In the Caucus
Our advice: Do not participate in the WSRP data collection; DO NOT send Chairman Wilbur's message to your friends. We still do not know to whom this message was sent this morning; we do know that it did not go to all PCOs. Here is the text of Kirby's email message of December 21, 2011:
Dear Friend,
As we close this year and begin to narrow our focus to 2012, we at the WSRP would appreciate it if you would take 2 minutes to fill out the survey below. The WSRP is always taking a critical look at its internal and external communications, and getting direct feedback from you will go a long way toward making sure we are successful in 2012.
As an added incentive we are giving everyone who fills out this survey a chance to vote for their favorite Republican Presidential candidate. The Iowa Caucuses are only two weeks away, and winning this straw poll will be very important to your candidate of choice, so be sure you forward this email to your friends so they participate as well.
Results of the Straw Poll will be released to those who have signed up for emails and to the state and national media on Tuesday, January 3rd (the day before [sic] the Iowa Caucuses).
Thank you,
Kirby Wilbur, Chairman
Washington State Republican Party
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