dead penguins
© Unknown

As many as 600 Magallan penguins have been found dead on Uruguayan coasts; scientists are investigating why so many penguins have died on their way to Brazilian waters.

Authorities said they also spotted turtles, several albatros, and dolphins, in addition to the large amount of penguins.

Scientists are baffled; though it is not unusual to have dead sea life in the area, as large boats do their maintenance in the vicinity, it is very unusual to have such large numbers, as well as the fact that no small animals have washed up ashore, only large animals.

"It's worrisome, because in these case, the penguins didn't have oil in them" said Lourdes Casas, a veterinarian for the Biodiversity Conservation Society of Maldonado, Uruguay. "We've performed necropsies and sent samples away for analyses"