© Bjorn Mansson/IBL/RexFile under "dog"
A diminutive chihuahua and a lumbering Irish wolfhound look completely different, yet most us know they both belong to the concept called "dog". Now the brain regions responsible for our ability to organise the world into separate concepts have been pinpointed.

Forming a concept involves selecting the important characteristics of our experiences and categorising them. The degree to which we are able to do this effectively is a defining characteristic of human intelligence. Yet little is known about how conceptual knowledge is created and used in the brain.

Fractal patterns

In an attempt to identify the brain regions responsible, Dharshan Kumaran and colleagues at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College London, showed 25 volunteers pairs of fractal patterns that represented the night sky and asked them to forecast the weather - either rain or sun - based on the patterns.

Conceptual rules based on the positions and combinations of the patterns governed whether the resulting outcome would be rain or sun, but the volunteers were not told this. Instead correct predictions were rewarded with cash prizes, encouraging the volunteers to deduce these conceptual rules.

In an initial learning phase, the different possible combinations were repeatedly shown to the participants. While they could make their predictions by simply memorising previous outcomes, they could also begin to realise that rules based on the positions and combinations of the patterns governed whether the result would be rain or sun.

Concepts form

In a second phase, the volunteers were provided with less information to encourage them to apply the rules they had identified. This enabled the researchers to separate those volunteers who had formed the concept in the learning phase from those who hadn't.

During both experiments fMRI scanning was used to identify areas of brain activity. Kumaran and colleagues found that in the first phase, they could tell if a volunteer would go on to apply concepts in the second phase by the degree of activity in their hippocampus, which is known to be responsible for learning and memory.

In the second phase, activity centred on the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vMPFC), important in decision-making, was active.

Hippocampus rules

The team concluded that the hippocampus creates and stores concepts, and passes this information onto the vMPFC where it is put to use during the making of decisions.

People with amnesia are also known to have problems forming concepts, so Kumaran hopes his findings will lead to the development of improved teaching methods and other tools for the treatment of amnesiacs.

"Knowing what specific computations and processes the hippocampus is important for will allow us to develop better learning procedures for those with amnesia," said Kumaran.

Early learning

In a 1997 study published in Science, Faraneh Vargha-Khadem of the University College London Institute of Child Health found three young amnesiacs with hippocampal damage attained normal levels of speech and language competence, literacy, and factual knowledge. She concluded the hippocampus was not necessary for the acquisition of conceptual knowledge.

But Kumaran says he believes the brains of the children in Vargha-Khadem's research could have learned to compensate as they had hippocampus damage from birth or a very early age.

Journal reference: Neuron, vol 63, p 889