Those of us in the meteorite hobby know that when someone says they saw a meteorite fall "nearby", it could mean almost anything - there is a common confusion between distance and angular distance. Still, with this many witnesses, it's certainly possible that something reached the ground last night.
Below, I've compiled some of the highlights from Twitter. I've used ellipsis to indicate multiple tweets from the same user.
OTerry: Just saw a massive firery meteorite fall in north york. I wonder where it landed. It was either really big or very close.So, will anything be found? It couldn't hurt to look! If anyone has more information about this sighting, please contact me. If anything is found, I'm going to call this "the Twitter meteorite".
derekpurdy: Saw an amazing meteor in the sky tonight it was lit up for a second or two. Bright Green/blue watched it break up, amazing. #Meteor #Ontario ... it was something else! Never seen a meteor like that. Wow, all I can say is wow. (user is at 44.264135, -78.064328)
ChaiLatteAddict: I think I just a meteor! It made a bang and it fell from the sky and it was blue-ish/green-ish. Please tell me how to confirm this! ... @ptc555 I saw it east of the west part of Montreal, so it make sense we saw the same thing if you're in Ont. Thank god you saw it too! ... Meteor sighting in Canada. I'm thinking about going home to watch the news all night. I wanna know where it fell and how big it is! ... I love the power of Twitter, we all saw something thinking we were crazy but we talk about it and it's an amazing feeling.
markdelete: i totally saw that possible meteor tonight in the sky. blue flash with red center. pretty crazy.
jsat2028: @argusrocks Hi, I saw it land! It was as high as a telephone pole when I saw it I was no more than 20 yards away. Report it, to who? ... I could see the ripples from the heat it was blue, looked like a force field, and the head was a fireball.
mackaytaggart: @kentboniface I work at a talkradio station in Toronto....we're getting a lot of calls about the meteorite. Where were you when you saw it? ... @MitchMirsky I work @ a Toronto radio station. Getting lots of calls from listeners who reported seeing it. May have landed in Barrie ON.
kentboniface: Just saw a meteorite large enough to light up the entire sky. Looked like lightning, but not a cloud in the sky.
MitchMirsky: Driving home tonite, we saw a meteorite land about 300 yards away.
ellehether: saw the most breathtaking meteor tonight! blue, green and orange! it was hugeeee!
ptc555: @colorsounds you saw the meteorite in rochester? i saw it in toronto! ... @mackaytaggart i saw the meteorite from Etobicoke (royal york and eglinton). i was looking north.
colorsounds: Falling meteorite in #roc, burned green, about 8:50pm, very big and bright!
LouisSabourin: @argusrocks I saw at about 9 pm a meteorite: very impressive from Gatineau Qc was looking south-west: Ottawa, maybe
M_A_R_A #meteor: saw a giant bal of fire at St. Clair & was awesome!
DGConroy: Saw the meteor come across at Yonge and Eg... looked very close! (user is at 43.646557, -79.388714)
itemtrader: I just the the meteor to ! thought i was crazy - it was bright
craigebrown: I too saw a meteor flash across the sky. Very quick, very bright.
vdiddy1103: I just saw a shooting star...or a comet...or a meteor. I wish Astronomy wasn't boring as f - , maybe I would have learned something.
sarahhp89: May Have Just Seen Some Sort Of Meteor Flash :0 Stoked!
fadersmusic: Decided to go investigate am old haunted hotel called the regal constellation and witnessed a very impressive meteor fireball in the skies
ChrisDawe: Holy poo. Just saw what had to be a meteor burning up over Toronto! Anyone else see it?
CopySix: Just saw a small meteorite (shooting star) come down from my Barrie backyard - so close you could actually 'hear' it.
nevdawg: @ChaiLatteAddict I saw it from Milton, just south of Toronto. Pretty incredible.
BenTFleming: holy s - , I just saw a meteor crash.
memories_music: Just saw a meteorite!!!
dvasmusique: holy shit comet in toronto! #toronto ... yeah i saw it ... spectacular ... i was on my way to District 9 and i saw it over my apt. building on queen near bellwoods
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